1     Introduction
 2     Purpose
 3     Scope and field of application
        3.1     General positioning
        3.2     Vertical aspects
        3.3     Horizontal aspects
        3.4     Infrastructure aspects
 4     Design objectives
 5     Requirements of the ICA
 6     Basic concepts, assumptions and principles for ICA
        6.1     Middleware services
        6.2     Relationship to GII Recommendation Y.110
        6.3     The Agent concept
        6.4     The Problem Space and Driving Forces for Agent operations
        6.5     Mobility
        6.6     Relationship of Agents to layering
        6.7     Generic protocol model
                  6.7.1     The vertical protocol aspects
                  6.7.2     Horizontal aspects
                  6.7.3     Intelligent network boundary
 7     The basic architecture
 8     Contact Agent
        8.1     Authentication Engine
        8.2     Publication Engine
        8.3     Selection Engine
 9     Exchange Agent
        9.1     General scope and functions of the Exchange Agent
        9.2     Connectivity Engine
        9.3     Transformation Engine
        9.4     Brokerage Engine
10     Transport Agent
       10.1     General scope and functions of the Transport Agent
       10.2     Private Engine
       10.3     Public Engine
11     Transport Services
       11.1     Implications for ICA
12     Target values
13     Implementation model
Annex A – TINA and the ICA
Annex B – The ICA Broker function and the OMG CORBA broker
Annex C – Network Operating Systems as platforms for the ICA
Annex D – Global Mobility and the ICA
        D.1     ETSI framework for Global (Terminal) Multimedia Mobility
        D.2     Impact of Mobility on the ICA in the Bottom Up Approach
Annex E – Abbreviations
Annex F – Glossary of terms