1     Scope 
 2     References 
 3     Definitions  
 4     Abbreviations   
 5     Conventions     
        5.1     Maintenance Entity (ME)   
        5.2     ME Group (MEG) 
        5.3     MEG End Point (MEP)     
        5.4     MEG Intermediate Point (MIP)      
        5.5     Traffic Conditioning Point (TrCP)   
        5.6     MEG Level           
        5.7     OAM Transparency          
        5.8     Representation of octets     
 6     OAM relationships          
        6.1     MEs, MEPs, MIPs and TrCPs relationship
        6.2     MEGs and MEG level relationship 
        6.3     MEPs and MIPs configuration       
 7     OAM functions for Fault Management     
        7.1     Ethernet Continuity Check (ETH-CC)        
        7.2     Ethernet Loopback (ETH-LB)       
        7.3     Ethernet Link Trace (ETH-LT)      
        7.4     Ethernet Alarm Indication Signal (ETH-AIS)          
        7.5     Ethernet Remote Defect Indication (ETH-RDI)      
        7.6     Ethernet Locked Signal (ETH-LCK)          
        7.7     Ethernet Test Signal (ETH-Test)    
        7.8     Ethernet Automatic Protection Switching (ETH-APS)         
        7.9     Ethernet Maintenance Communication Channel (ETH-MCC)         
       7.10     Ethernet Experimental OAM (ETH-EXP) 
       7.11     Ethernet Vendor Specific OAM (ETH-VSP)        
 8     OAM functions for performance monitoring          
        8.1     Frame Loss Measurement (ETH-LM)        
        8.2     Frame Delay Measurement (ETH-DM)      
        8.3     Throughput measurement   
 9     OAM PDU types
        9.1     Common OAM information elements         
        9.2     CCM PDU           
        9.3     LBM PDU
        9.4     LBR PDU 
        9.5     LTM PDU
        9.6     LTR PDU 
        9.7     AIS PDU  
        9.8     LCK frame
        9.9     TST PDU  
       9.10     APS PDU
       9.11     MCC PDU          
       9.12     LMM PDU          
       9.13     LMR PDU           
       9.14     1DM PDU           
       9.15     DMM PDU          
       9.16     DMR PDU           
       9.17     EXM PDU           
       9.18     EXR PDU
       9.19     VSM PDU           
       9.20     VSR PDU
10     OAM frame addresses   
       10.1     Multicast Destination Addresses    
       10.2     CCM    
       10.3     LBM     
       10.4     LBR      
       10.5     LTM     
       10.6     LTR
       10.7     AIS
       10.8     LCK     
       10.9     TST
      10.10     APS     
      10.11     MCC   
      10.12     LMM   
      10.13     LMR    
      10.14     1DM    
      10.15     DMM  
      10.16     DMR   
      10.17     EXM    
      10.18     EXR     
      10.19     VSM    
      10.20     VSR     
Annex A – MEG ID format    
Appendix I – Defect conditions    
        I.1        Loss of Continuity (LOC) condition          
        I.2        Mismerge condition          
        I.3        Unexpected MEP (UnexpectedMEP) condition    
        I.4        Unexpected MEG Level (UnexpectedMEGLevel) condition         
        I.5        Unexpected Period (UnexpectedPeriod) condition
        I.6        Signal Fail (SignalFail) condition   
        I.7        AIS condition      
        I.8        RDI condition      
        I.9        LCK condition     
Appendix II – Ethernet network scenarios    
       II.1     Shared MEG levels example           
       II.2     Independent MEG levels example   
Appendix III – Frame loss measurement    
      III.1     Frame Loss Calculations    
      III.2     Frame counter wrapping periodicity
Appendix IV – Network OAM interworking    
Appendix V – Mismerge detection limitation    
Appendix VI – Terminology alignment with draft IEEE 802.1ag