1     Scope 
 2     References 
 3     Fundamental NGN definitions      
 4     Modes of communication for NGN          
        4.1     Connection-mode service [ITU-T X.200]  
        4.2     Connectionless-mode service [ITU-T X.200]         
 5     Transport stratum for NGN         
        5.1     Vertical aspects     
        5.2     Horizontal  
 6     Architecture for NGN      
 7     IP-related capabilities for NGN   
 8     Mobility for NGN
 9     Roles, players, value-added chain, etc., for NGN 
10     User, customer, subscriber, client, provider, etc., for NGN          
11     Telecommunications, services, applications, etc., for NGN          
12     Quality of service for NGN         
13     Identification and location for NGN (including numbering, naming, addressing, routing, etc.)     
14     Security