Table of Contents

 1     Scope            
 2     References   
 3     Definitions   
        3.1     Terms defined elsewhere
        3.2     Terms defined in this Recommendation     
 4     Abbreviations and acronyms  
 5     Conventions
 6     NGN-SIDE ecosystem               
        6.1     NGN-SIDE users              
        6.2     NGN-SIDE provider        
        6.3     NGN-SIDE resource providers       
 7     NGN-SIDE functional framework          
        7.1     NGN-SIDE layered view 
        7.2     NGN-SIDE functional view           
 8     NGN-SIDE requirements          
        8.1     Applications related requirements
        8.2     NGN-SIDE integration related requirements              
        8.3     NGN-SIDE adaptation related requirements              
        8.4     NGN-SIDE security related requirements    
 9     NGN-SIDE capabilities             
        9.1     NGN-SIDE capabilities related to the NGN-SIDE integration layer       
        9.2     NGN-SIDE capabilities related to the NGN-SIDE adaptation layer      
10     NGN-SIDE interfaces requirements      
       10.1     NGN-SIDE positioning within the NGN reference architecture              
       10.2     NGN-SIDE interfaces    
11     Security considerations            
Annex A – Relationship between capabilities of NGN-SIDE and [ITU-T Y.2234] capabilities    
Appendix I – Business deployment scenarios in the NGN-SIDE ecosystem    
        I.1                   Actors mapping to business roles    
        I.2                   Business deployment scenarios       
Appendix II – Application scenarios involving NGN-SIDE    
       II.1     Third-party application scenario "Book a trip"          
       II.2     NGN-SIDE in-house application scenario "Enhanced Conference"      
       II.3     M2M/USN application scenarios 
Appendix III – Cloud services and supporting role played by NGN-SIDE    
      III.1     NGN-SIDE support of cloud software as a service   
      III.2     NGN-SIDE support of cloud platform as a service  
      III.3     NGN-SIDE support of cloud infrastructure as a service          
      III.4     NGN-SIDE support of communications as a service               
      III.5     NGN-SIDE support of network as a service               
Appendix IV – Survey of API related standardization efforts    
       IV.1     Open mobile alliance (OMA)       
       IV.2     GSM association (GSMA)            
       IV.3     Java Community Process             
       IV.4     Wholesale Applications Community (WAC)            
       IV.5      World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)        
       IV.6     Organization for the advancement of structured information standards (OASIS)           
       IV.7     Open Grid Forum (OGF)
       IV.8     Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF)         
       IV.9     Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA)    