Summary - Y.4498 (07/2024) - Framework of city-level energy data sharing and analytics among buildings

Recommendation ITU-T Y.4498 specifies requirements and architectural models for city-level energy management that facilitates data exchange, sharing and analytics among buildings in smart cities. Recommendation ITU-T Y.4498 also provides use cases to support energy planning, management and energy data sharing through city energy services for smart sustainable cities.
As the sector accounts for a significant portion of total energy consumption, efforts are being made to increase energy efficiency in the built environment through smart solutions in homes, office and commercial premises, and factories. To effectively support energy efficiency in smart cities, it is crucial to have city-level data sharing and analytics for services and intelligent applications. This allows information to be shared among buildings with different consumption patterns or renewable production to increase energy efficiency. To enable city-level data sharing and analytics, standardized specifications for energy data types and exchange methods are essential.