
This amendment introduces new Annexes B and C. It also describes a number of minor changes to ITU-T Rec. Z.100 to link it to the new annexes and to correct and clarify some minor issues in the main body of ITU-T Rec. Z.100.

Annex B allows many legacy descriptions in SDL-92 to be recognized as valid according to SDL‑2000.

Extensions to the grammar in the main body text of ITU-T Rec. Z.100 are defined.

Annex C defines what it means if a claim is made that a description is compliant with SDL or if a claim is made that a software tool is an SDL tool.

While in principle it is just sufficient to require descriptions to conform to SDL to enable them to be well-defined and reusable, in practice the notation actually used in models normally is determined by the tool used. For this reason the conformance of a tool to the language standard tends to be more useful than a statement that a model conforms to a standard. The intention is that a user can be confident that a description complies with the standard if it has been passed as compliant by a tool that satisfies the conformance rules.

There are specific additional requirements for Level 1 or Level 2 CIF support.