1     Introduction
        1.1     Objective
        1.2     Principles of the SDL-UML combination
        1.3     Restrictions on SDL and UML
        1.4     SDL UML mapping
        1.5     Well‑formedness rules
        1.6     Conventions
        1.7     The structure of this Recommendation
 2     References
 3     SDL UML ModelElements
        3.1     Summary of SDL UML Model Elements
                  3.1.1     Stereotypes
                  3.1.2     TaggedValues
                  3.1.3     Constraints
        3.2     Core Model Elements
                  3.2.1     Abstraction
                  3.2.2     Association
                  3.2.3     Association class
                  3.2.4     Association end
                  3.2.5     Attribute
                  3.2.6     BehaviouralFeature
                  3.2.7     Binding
                  3.2.8     Class
                  3.2.9     Classifier
                 3.2.10     Comment
                 3.2.11     Component
                 3.2.12     Constraint
                 3.2.13     Data type
                 3.2.14     Dependency
                 3.2.15     Element
                 3.2.16     ElementOwnership
                 3.2.17     ElementResidence
                 3.2.18     Feature
                 3.2.19     Flow
                 3.2.20     GeneralizableElement
                 3.2.21     Generalization
                 3.2.22     Interface
                 3.2.23     Method
                 3.2.24     ModelElement
                 3.2.25     Namespace
                 3.2.26     Node
                 3.2.27     Operation
                 3.2.28     Parameter
                 3.2.29     Permission
                 3.2.30     PresentationElement
                 3.2.31     Relationship
                 3.2.32     StructuralFeature
                 3.2.33     TemplateParameter
                 3.2.34     Usage
        3.3     Extension mechanisms
        3.4     Data types
        3.5     Behavioural elements
                  3.5.1     Common Behaviour
                  3.5.2     Signal
        3.6     Collaborations
                  3.6.1     AssociationEndRole
                  3.6.2     AssociationRole
                  3.6.3     ClassifierRole
                  3.6.4     Collaboration
                  3.6.5     Interaction
                  3.6.6     Message
        3.7     Use Cases
        3.8     State machines
                  3.8.1     CallEvent
                  3.8.2     ChangeEvent
                  3.8.3     CompositeState
                  3.8.4     Event
                  3.8.5     FinalState
                  3.8.6     Guard
                  3.8.7     PseudoState
                  3.8.8     SignalEvent
                  3.8.9     SimpleState
                 3.8.10     State
                 3.8.11     StateMachine
                 3.8.12     StateVertex
                 3.8.13     StubState
                 3.8.14     SubmachineState
                 3.8.15     SynchState
                 3.8.16     TimeEvent
                 3.8.17     Transition
        3.9     Activity Graphs
       3.10     Model Management
                 3.10.1     ElementImport
                 3.10.2     Model
                 3.10.3     Package
                 3.10.4     Subsystem
Appendix I – Common Behaviour