Committed to connecting the world

Training on E-waste Statistics, 12 April 2018, Zanzibar, Tanzania

The one-day training on e-waste statistics was held on 12 April 2018, at the Sea Cliff Resort and Spa, in Zanzibar, Tanzania, during the ITU Green Standards Week (GSW) of 9 to 12 April 2018.

The Training on E-waste Statistics highlighted the importance of addressing the global e-waste challenge, including through better e-waste statistics and monitoring. The training focused on providing an overview of the current statistics on e-waste, the methods of producing electronic waste statistics at the national level to help countries generate e-waste data. It also allowed participants to share experiences, knowledge and challenges, including in the area of national coordination. This training was organized in collaboration with the Global Partnership on E-waste Statistics.It was conducted in Arabic, English and French with simultaneous interpretation.   



(Download in pdf format)​ ​
9:00 - 9:15 Opening of the workshop: ITU
9:15 - 10:15 Session 1:  Addressing the e-waste challenge: Better data - Better policies

​Brief introduction of speakers and trainers, including their backgrounds and brief inventory of knowledge of participants on e-waste and e-waste statistics. In addition, the session will give a brief overview of e-waste, e-waste statistics, the Global Partnership on E-waste Statistics, the 2017 Global E-waste Monitor, and ITU's mandate and role in the area of e-waste.

Moderator Speakers
10:15 - 10:45 Coffee break
10:45 - 11:30  Session 2: ​Country presentations (countries TBC)

​Two selected countries from the Arab/Africa region will present the work they have carried out in terms of monitoring e-waste, the challenges they have faced and the progress they have made.

11:30 - 12:00 Session 3: General Principles of E-waste Statistics
12:00 - 13:00 Lunch
13:00 - 13:30 Session 4: How to track “sales of electronic equipment”, and how to measure “e-waste generated”?
13:30 - 14:00 Session 5: How to measure e-waste collected and recycled?
Methodological guidance on classifications and how to obtain data on the one indicators (e-waste collected and recycled) of e-waste statistics

14:00 - 14:30 Session 6: How to measure imports and exports of e-waste?
​Methodological guidance on classifications and how to obtain data on imports and exports of e-waste

14:30 - 15:00 Session 7: How to use the e-waste toolkit?
​Explanation of an Excel Tool developed by United Nations University that assist countries to compile e-waste statistics

15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 - 17:00 Session 8: Group discussion on Workplan on e-waste statistics

First part: E-waste statistics
For all attendees.

  • What are the 3  main challenges related to e-waste in your country?
  •  Is there a legislation on e-waste in your country? How is it implemented?
    • Responsibilities, coordination between stakeholders
  •  Who is responsible for e-waste take back in your country?
    • Organizations / producers / Government
    • Retailers, municipal collection points, and/or pick-up services
  •  How is the e-waste management situation in your country? 
    • Formal / informal recycling sector
  •  What is the situation of imports of e-waste in your country?
    • What types of e-waste are imported/exported?
    • From / to which countries?
  •  What are the potential data sources that fits into the UNU measurement framework?
    • Household statistics / Collection points / Questionnaire to the e-waste facility / Registers from waste traders companies / Reports from NGOs / Existing surveys in the country / Statistics from associations / Scientific literature
  •  What are your expectation for future workshops?
    • Topics, frequency, audience, etc

Second part: Arab countries and discussion of the Proposed Action Plan

  • To discuss the draft action plan of Arab countries for year 2018- 2021.
​Wrap up

Questions and answers