

Jorge Trelles  

Jorge Trelles

General Director of Policies and Regulation in Communications, Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC), Peru

Senior executive with more than 15 years of experience in the areas of regulation, competition, public policy, research and as professor; with a focus on specialized economic analysis in public organizations that intervene in the telecommunications markets, and products and services in general. Expert in public policy design, development of economic studies and financial analysis. Economist graduated from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru (PUCP). Master in Economics from the Pormpeu Fabra University (Barcelona) and in Applied Mathematics, with a mention in applications to Economics, from the PUCP. He also has a specialization in Finance from INCAE Business School (Costa Rica) and a specialization in Applied Statistics from PUCP. Previously, he worked at INDECOPI (2018-2020) as Manager of Economic Studies. He worked at OSIPTEL for 11 years (2006-2018) and held the positions of Finance Coordinator and Economic Research Coordinator. Previously, he was Director General of Communications Regulation in the Ministry of Transport and Communications (2015-2016). He has worked since 2005 as professor of various Economics courses at both the undergraduate level (USMP, PUCP, UP, URP) and at the postgraduate level (USMP, PUCP), and is currently a thesis advisor in the Master's in Economics program of the PUCP. He is co-author of publications and working documents of OSIPTEL and INDECOPI.