Committed to connecting the world


Regional Regulatory Roundtable for Americas

  ​​Regional Regulatory Roundtable for Americas

The ITU Policy and Economic Colloquium 2021 - ITU AMERICAS IPEC 2021 – 10 to 11 May 2021, was held Online. This activity was organized by the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT), in close collaboration with the Superintendency of Telecommunications (SIT) of Guatemala.

The ITU AMERICAS IPEC 2021 focused, among other interesting subjects, on economic policies and strategies for ICT development in the Americas Region – COVID-19 implications, incentives to foster investment and business opportunities for meaningful connectivity and Economic and financial aspects in the digital ecosystem, country cases  – in coordination with the ITU-D Study Group Question 4/1.​

This year the IPEC-21 was divided into two parts: ​

  • ​The GSR Regional Regulatory Roundtable (Monday 10 May); and
  • ​The Regional Economic Dialogue (RED-21) ( Tuesday 11 May)​

    Final Outcome ​Report​ New​​

​The telecommunication industry in the post-COVID-19 world Report of the 7th ITU  Economic Experts Roundtable
Pandemic in the Internet age: From second wave to new normal, recovery, adaptation and resilience​​

📲 All the information is available in the following website:​














Agenda and Speakers