Committed to connecting the world

GSR14 discussion papers

Consumer protection in the online world
Ms Michèle Ledger, Head of Practice
, Cullen International
​   Paper             Presentation
Why ​Competition matters and how to foster it in the dynamic ICT sector
Ms Janet Hernandez, President, Telecommunications Management Group, Inc. (TMG)
​   Paper             Presentation
Big Data - Opportunity or Threat?
Mr Andy Haire, Chairman, AJH Communications, llc, Co-authored by Mr Viktor Mayer-Schönberger
​   Paper             Presentation
New frontiers in spectrum licensing
Mr John Alden, Vice President, Freedom Technologies Co-authored by Ms Catherine Schroeder
​   Paper             Presentation

The impact of data on ICT business models
Mr René Arnold, Head of Department Markets and Perspectives, WIK-Consult GmbH

   Paper              Presentation

Using regulatory impact analysis to improve decision-making in the ICT sector
Prof. Andrea Renda, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for European  Policy Studies (CEPS), Belgium
   Paper              Presentation
Monitoring the implementation of the broadband     plans and strategies 
Mr Colin Oliver, Senior ICT Expert
​    Paper            Presentation


ITU Case Study:

The creation of The Botswana
Communications Regulatory Authority

The Creation of the Utilities Regulation
and Competition Authority of The Bahamas

The Creation of the Federal Institute of Telecommunications of
