DAY ONE:  Monday, 10 December 2007


16.45 – 17.30


Opening Session of the Workshop


  • Mr. G. Rum: Chairman’s Opening Remarks: Overview and objectives of the Remote Sensing Workshop
  • Mr. Valery Timofeev, Director Radiocommunication Bureau, (ITU)
  • Mr. Jose Achache, Secretariat Director, Group on Earth Observation,(GEO)

                                                 DAY TWO:  Tuesday, 11 December 2007


10.00 – 11.15



Overview: highlighting activities of United Nations Agencies using Remote Sensing


Summary of the first day - Chairman 

1.  Mr. A. Vassiliev, Radiocommunication Bureau, International Telecommunication Union, (ITU)

           ITU Activities in Remote Sensing 

  1. Mr. E. Bjorgo, United Nations Operational Satellites Applications Programme, (UNOSAT)

     UNOSAT activities and services   

  1. Mr. D. Stevens / J. Szarzynski, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, (UNOOSA)

     The SPIDER Programme   

  1. MR M. Rast, Integrated Global Observing Strategy (IGOS) /Global Climate Observing Systems(GCOS)/   Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS)/GEO

    User viewpoint on Remote Sensing data utilization. 

                                                                                                      Venue: Room A ITU Tower -2


 Coffee Break


11.30 - 12.00


Remote Sensing Systems, Applications and Spectrum Allocations


1.  Mr. Tom von Deak, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

     Active Remote Sensing allocations, sensors, measurements and applications.  

  1. Mr. Tom von Deak,  National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

     Passive Remote Sensing allocations, sensors, measurements and applications   

     3.  Mr. J.Pla, Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, (CNES)

          Results of WRC 2007 with respect to Remote Sensing   

                                                                                                          Venue: Room A ITU Tower -2





Remote Sensing and Emergency Management



     1.   Mr. A. Husson, Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales, (CNES)

            The International Charter “Space and Major Disasters".   

      2.  Mr. G. Seguin, Canadian Space Agency, (CSA)

            Use of Satellites for Risk Management; A key task of the GEO Workplan.       

                                                                                                                          Venue: Room A ITU Tower -2







Regional Perspectives


  1. Mr. J. Perez, Centro del Agua del Trópico Húmedo para América Latina y el Caribe, (CATHALAC)

    SERVIR MesoAmerican Remote Sensing  consortium      

  1. Mr. Y. Osawa, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, (JAXA)

     Emergency observation by "Daichi" and Sentinel Asia     

3.   Dr. T. Korme, Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development, (RCMRD)

      Remote Sensing and disaster management in Africa 

4.  Mr. Imraan Salojee, Group on Earth Observation,(GEO)

     GEO Capacity Building roadmap and actions            

                                                                                                     Venue: Room A ITU Tower -2




Panel Discussion and Conclusions

Recap of the Workshop Sessions       

Finalization of recommendations to the Global Forum                                                     

Dr. P. Basabe, International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, (UNISDR) 

Remote Sensing as part of the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction and the Hyogo Framework for Action.   

1.   Mr. J. Pla, Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES),

2.   Mr. G.Rum,  Group on Earth Observation (GEO),

  1. Ms. P. De Salvo, International Telecommunication Union (ITU),

  2.  Dr M. Golnaraghi, World Meteorological Organization (WMO),

  3.  Dr. T. Korme, Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development, (RCMRD)

6.   Mr. J. Perez, Centro del Agua del Trópico Húmedo para América Latina y el Caribe (CATHALAC).

15.45-16.00 Coffee Break