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Country Status
In 2022, Botswana generated 23 million kilograms of e-waste, which represents 8,7 kilograms of e-waste generated per capita. The 2024 National E-waste Monitor for Botswana intends to strengthen Botswana's national capacity around e-waste data collection and statistics and documents fast rising trends in the generation of e-waste. Botswana is currently making efforts to improve its regulatory framework regarding e-waste. There is no specific regulatory instrument overseeing e-waste management in the country. However, the Department for Waste Management and Pollution (DWMPC) has developed an Integrate​d Waste Management Policy (2021). The policy instrument is expected to facilitate the sound management of all types of waste streams in the country, including e-waste and to cover the principle of extended producer responsibility (EPR) to place a legal obligation on retailers and distributers of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) to introduce take-back schemes for end of use and obsolete equipment. An Integrated Waste Management Bill is currently being drafted, to be presented as a legislative package with the Integrated Waste Management Policy for consideration and approval by the Parliament. The Government of Botswana also finalized the National Strategy on the Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment in Botswana, led by the DWMPC and the Botswana Communication Regulatory Authority (BOCRA). The objectives of the strategy are to strengthen the regulatory framework and maximize the collection efficiency, as well as develop an environmentally sound management infrastructure and network for e-waste. Botswana has some companies actively dealing with e-waste, but the available infrastructure is insufficient to handle e-waste and the licensed companies are not specialized in this sector.​

Key Data​

ITU and E-waste in Botswana
​ITU has been providing assistance to the Botswana Communication Regulatory Authority (BOCRA), the Department of Waste Management and Pollution Control (DWMPC) and to Statistics Botswana on strengthening the national capacity on e-waste data and policy. This resulted in the publication of the National E-waste Monitor for Botswana and the draft National Strategy on the Management of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment in Botswana.

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