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Country Status
In 2022, Malawi generated 11 million kilograms of e-waste, which represents 0,5 kilograms of e-waste generated per capita. In Malawi, a draft National Electrical and Electronic Equipment Waste Management Policy is currently in the process of being approved. The policy was developed via a detailed process of stakeholder consultation and validation and will be implemented over a 5-year period. It will be Malawi's first guiding document for e-waste management. Furthermore, with support from the Global E-waste Statistics Partnership (GESP), a recent national quantification study found that the availability of EEE in Malawi has increased significantly, from 1,3 million kg in 1995 to 12,5 million kg in 2022. This has been accompanied by a concomitant rise in the amount of e-waste generated.​

Key Data​

ITU and E-waste in Malawi
ITU has been providing assistance to the Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) and the Environmental Affairs Department (EAD) on strengthening the national capacity on e-waste data and on developing policy instruments specific to e-waste. One of the most pressing issues in Malawi in the management of e-waste is the lack of allocation of clear roles and responsibilities among various actors, which will be addressed in upcoming regulatory developments on e-waste management.​

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