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Country Status
In 2022, Zambia generated 23 million kilograms of e-waste. Zambia is committed to creating a circular economy for electronics and has adopted several policy, legal and regulatory instruments applying to e-waste. Statutory Instrument No. 65 on Extended Producer Responsibility Regulations (2018) is a legally binding instrument that regulates extended producer responsibility (EPR) but has been infrequently implemented. The government has begun preparing a specific regulation on e-waste management and in 2023 it started developing a specific EPR regulation covering electronics and packaging materials. Zambia has also made progress towards introducing standards on e-waste management, with 11 of 4 proposed standards having been adopted.​

Key Data​

ITU and E-waste in Zambia
ITU is providing assistance to the Zambia Environment Management Agency (ZEMA) and the Zambian Information and Communication Technology Authority (ZICTA) since 2023. The current focus is on supporting the legal, administrative, and financial modalities for effective implementation of the EPR regulations on e-waste.​

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