Committed to connecting the world

Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ecosystems Knowledge-Sharing Platform

​​​shutterstock_243439858.jpgITU has developed a comprehensive platform dedicated to sharing knowledge, tools and best practices that enable stakeholders to engage and connect in a global dialogue on innovation. ​Furthermore, the physical and virtual knowledge-sharing platform provides networking opportunities to connect globally and empower local innovation ecosystems. The products and services that make up the platform include national workshops, a database of good practices, innovation advisory and technical assistance, ecosystem-building competitions, and toolkits. ​​​

Activities and Publications

Global Innovation Forum

2020 ITU Global Innovation Forum​

Global Innovation Dialogue

Innovation Ecosystem Program @  ITU Telecom World 2019, 09-12 September 2019, Budapest, Hungary 

Young ICT Leaders' Forum: “Mind the gap: Sustainability and Impact in Smart Cities”, 03-06 September 2019, Busan Metropolitan City, Republic of Korea​

ITU Innovation Track at WSIS Forum 2019, Geneva, Switzerland.

Young ICT Leaders' Forum, 04-07 September 2018, Busan Metropolitan City, Republic of Korea

Innovation track @ WSIS Forum 2018. Monday, 19 March 2018, Geneva, Switzerland.

ITU Innovation Dialogues @ WSIS Forum 2017, Geneva, Switzerland​.​

ITU-OECD Innovation Dialogue, conducted during the 2016 Ministerial Conference on the Digital Economy, June 2016, Cancun, Mexico.

ITU Innovation Track at WSIS Forum 2016, Geneva, Switzerland.

ITU Innovation Challenges

Winners of ITU Innovation Challenges 2020​

​Winners of ITU Innovation Challenges 2019​

National Innovation Forum

Multi-stakeholder Workshop on Bridging the Digital Innovation Divide: Accelerating Digital Transformation towards Thailand 4.0, 08-09 May 2018​, Bangkok, Thailand

ITU Digital Innovation Framework Workshop, 12 May 2017, Chisinau, Moldova.

Regional Innovation Forums

ITU (Virtual) Regional Innovation Forum, Africa, 29 October 2020

ITU (Virtual) Regional Innovation Forum, Americas, 29 October 2020​​

ITU (Virtual) Regional Innovation Forum, Arab, 29 October 2020

ITU (Virtual) Regional Innovation Forum, Asia-Pacific, 29 October 2020

​ITU (Virtual) Regional Innovation Forum, Europe, 29 October 2020

ITU Forum on" Innovative Digital Solutions for an Accessible Europe: Fostering Growth of Start-ups", 19 February 2020, Vienna, Austria ​​

Multi-stakeholder Workshop on Bridging the Digital Innovation Divide:Accelerating Digital Transformation towards 4th industrial revolution,14-16 October 2019,Congo Kintele Congress Centre, Republic of Congo​​​​​​​​​​

ITU Forum: " Innovative Digital Solutions for an Accessible Europe: Fostering Growth of Start-ups", 21 February 2019, Vienna, Austria

ITU Regional Workshop on Bridging The Digital Innovation Divide 2019​, Cairo, Egypt

ITU Regional Innovation Forum for Europe on Bridging The Digital Innovation Divide:  Fostering Digital Entrepreneurship and Startup Ecosystems, 21-23 November 2018, Oslo, Norway​

ITU Regional Workshop on Accelerating Digital Transformation towards 4th industrial revolution, 11 - 12 December 2017, Gaborone, Botswana.

Executive Workshop @ ITU Telekom 2017: Bridging the Di​gital Innovation Divide, 26-28 September 2017, Busan Metropolitan City, Republic of Korea

Executive Workshop for Europe: Bridging the Di​gital Innovation Divide, 12-13 September 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia​.

ITU Regional Forum for CIS and Europe “Strengthening Innovation Capabilities in the ICT-centric Ecosystem and Fostering the Growth of ICT Startups," 28-29 March 2017, Chisinau, Moldova.

Regional Forum Greece, conducted under the AGORA platform ini​tiative, 9-10 Dec. 2015, Athens, Greece.


Bridging the Digital Innovation Divide: A toolkit for developing sustainable ICT-centric ecosystem projects​

Good Practices Report: ICT centric innovation ecosystem​s in Europe 

Bridging the digital innovation divide: A toolkit for strengthening ICT centric ecosystems 
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