Committed to connecting the world

Knowledge-sharing events on Interconnection cost-modelling


15-19 July 2013, Arusha, Tanzania

Capacity Building Workshop on Regulatory Auditing and Cost-Modeling 
in Sub-
Saharan Africa for English speaking East and Southern African countries

The objective of this workshop is to train relevant people on Regulatory auditing and Cost modelling in delivery of services in communications by ensuring the understanding of price regulation and market analysis in the context of the competitive provision of electronic communications services. The workshop is also designed to build capacity on appreciation of Price controls and its relation to cost modeling, accounting and regulation, Regulatory auditing, accounting separation and cost modelling, Options for cost model development accounting standards, concepts and key assumptions, Cost model development in practice: process of building a cost model and Review of existing publicly available cost models in the region and beyond, model comparisons and future challenges. 


Session 1 - Welcome and Introduction

Session 2 - Undertaking the place of cost accounting and cost modelling in the regulatory

Session 3 - Overview of regulatory accounting and cost modelling in Sub-Saharan Africa

Session 4 - The seven habits of highly effective cost modelling

Session 5 - Cost standards and their application

Session 6 - Calculation of call terminations

Session 7 - Approaches to cost modelling and their regulatory function

Session 8 - Costing approaches - a practical exercise

Session 9/10 - Manipulation data and assumptions in a bottom-up cost model - a practical exercise

Session 11 - The regulatory process for cost accounting and cost modelling - What is involved and how should it be addressed?

Session 12 - Common pitfalls in regulatory cost modelling - regional and international case
study examples

Session 13/14 - Using the training cost modelling as part of a hypothetical regulatory procedure
to establish costs and prices for mobile termination

Session 15/16 - Country by country analysis in the Eastern and Southern Africa Sub-region

Session 17/18 - Using the training model as a basis to develop cost estimates for Member states in the HIPSSA region  


19-23 August 2013, Banjul, Gambia
Capacity Building Workshop on Regulatory auditing and Cost-Modeling
for West and Central English speaking African countries
The objective of this workshop was to train relevant people on Regulatory auditing and Cost modelling in delivery of services in communications by ensuring the understanding of price regulation and market analysis in the context of the competitive provision of electronic communications services. The workshop was also designed to build capacity on appreciation of Price controls and its relation to cost modeling, accounting and regulation, Regulatory auditing, accounting separation and cost modelling, Options for cost model development accounting standards, concepts and key assumptions, Cost model development in practice: process of building a cost model and Review of existing publicly available cost models in the region and beyond, model comparisons and future challenges.  
Training sessions:



27 - 31 mai 2013, Dakar, Sénégal
Atelier de renforcement de capacité en matière d'audit de la réglementation
et de la modélisation des coûts en Afrique sub-saharienne

L'objectif de cet atelier était de former des personnes compétentes en matière d'audit de la réglementation et de la modélisation des coûts dans la prestation des services de télécommunications en veillant à la compréhension de la réglementation des prix et l'analyse du marché dans le contexte de la fourniture de services de communications électroniques. 
Training sessions:
Session 4 - French version 
Session 6 - French version 


6-10 May 2013, Praia, Cape Verde
Capacity Building Workshop on Regulatory Auditing and Cost-Modeling
in Sub-Saharan Africa for Portuguese speaking African countries

The objective of this workshop was to train relevant people on regulatory auditing and cost-modeling in delivery of services in communications by ensuring the
understanding of price regulation and market analysis in the context of the competitive provision of electronic communications services. Due to the importance of this workshop, the participants were requested to have decision making position in their respective organisations and have the know-how of cost-modeling in their day to day work.