Committed to connecting the world

HIPSSA Launching Meeting

11-12 December 2008, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
The HIPSSA project was officially launched in presence of regional representatives of stakeholders in Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) on Friday, 12 December 2008. This project is a scaled-up pilot project that was funded by the EC and the ITU and successfully implemented in West Africa. It aims at developing and promoting harmonized policies and guidelines for the ICT market as well as building human and institutional capacity in the field of ICT through a range of targeted training, education and knowledge sharing measures.
Administrative Documents

Conference Programme and Presentations

Session 1: Presentations of past, ongoing and planned regional initiatives on harmonization of ICT policies, legislation and regulation, three regional case studies

Session 2: Presentations of global trends in ITC regulation, open regulatory issues in the Africa region and specific regulators needs in terms of harmonization