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Girls in ICT Celebration - Africa Region, 28 April 2022


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The International Girls in ICT Day will be celebrated on April 28th in collaboration with Governments, Partners, UN Organizations and different key stakeholders. During the celebrations there will be engagements at global, regional and national levels and will include a High-Level Panel organized by ITU headquarters within the framework of the WSIS - World Summit on the Information Society – Forum 2022 in addition to planned events to celebrate the day at the different ITU Regional and Area Offices.

Science, technology, and innovation are key drivers of our increasingly global society yet only 28% of the world's workforce in this area are women. With this inequality persisting through the 21st century, the need for diversity, equity, and inclusion of women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is dire. The main goal of Girls in ICT Day is to cultivate the presence and digital skills of young women and girls [aged 12-24] in the career field of STEM, particularly ICTs.

​This year, the Girls in ICT Day 2022 will follow the theme of “Access and Safety". The celebration will involve the sharing of knowledge and experiences both among the young girls and women role models from the ICT field to gain a better understanding on how to access digital technologies in a safe manner, contribute to building a digital economy and bridge the digital gender divide. ​​​​