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​​​​ITU Digital Consumer Forum 29-30 JULY, 2019 at THE ROYAL VILLAS , EZULWINI, ESWATINI​

​​​​​​​​​ITU Digital Consumer Forum 2019
 Theme - Powering digital Africa through data protection, consumer privacy, trust and security 29-30 JULY, 2019


The need for continuing dialogue and experience sharing amongst telecommunications/Information and Communications Technology (ICT) regulators and policy-makers has been consistently expressed in various ITU fora particularly as we are in the midst of increasingly converged smart digital economies. More so the need to focus on consumer concerns in the increasingly globolised enviroment. 

The ITU Digital Consumer Forum for Africa 2019 themed “Powering digital Africa through data protection, consumer privacy, trust and security" and workshop on “Collaborative approaches for consumer protection in Digital Financial Services (DFS)" will provide a platform to address emerging challenges and opportunities in the region.   Telecommunication/ICT policy makers, regulators, industry, and consumer associations will have the opportunity to share information, knowledge, and experiences.

This event is in line with RESOLUTION 64 (Rev. Dubai, 2014) and the World Telecommunication Development Conference (Dubai, 2014) and § 13 e) of the Geneva Plan of Action of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).​ ​

Expected outcome 
​​​i) Enhanced knowledge on requirements for securing consumer privacy, trust and security, a prerequiste for powering digital Africa as well as improved collaboration among Member States in the identification of critical areas for policy and regulatory harmonisation for the protection of users.

ii) Strengthened relations and collaboration between national consumer associations, regional, international organizations and entities involved in consumer protection and use of digital services in Africa

iii) A draft white paper on national & regional regulatory consumer guidelines for securing data, consumer privacy and trust in digital Africa 

Thematic Area
1. Overview of emerging digital Technologies- Policy and regulatory implication for consumers protection for digital Africa
2. Exploring online privacy, trust and ensuring security of data- challenges & opportunities 
3. Understanding online data business models and data markets; Models of ensuring protection, privacy and trust including the- Understanding EU GDPR – Implications of EU GDPR on other regions, with a special view to Africa
4. Consumer Protection - Institutions, Policy and regulations, awareness, principles and practice
5. Consumer Redress- Institutions, Policy and regulations, awareness, principles and practices;
6. Recommendations for digital Africa
    6.1. National & regional regulatory collaborative framework for consumer protection, data security and privacy.
    6.2. Recommendation on how to promote – build consumer awareness and enhance security of data and privacy 

​​WORKSHOP - Consumer Rights and Protection for Digital Financial Services (DFS) 

Thematic Areas; ​

1. Policy & regulatory collaborative frameworks and interventions t global and regional level as well as national   experiences
2. Industry/ private sector practices
3. Research and Academia

Targeted Audience 
The program is designed for policy makers, regulators, consumer association members region, and offers participants the opportunity to learn, discuss, debate and exchange ideas with communications experts and professionals at global and regional level. Estimated Number of participants- 100 participants of which 40 delegates are national/local participants

The forum will be conducted in English, French and Portuguese (SADC official language)

Organizers/Partners Other partners to be identified

1. The Government of Eswatini – MICT
2. Eswatini Communications Regulatory Commison
3. ITU 