Committed to connecting the world

Girls in ICT – Americas. 28 April 2022, Virtual. Horario: 12:30hs – 13:30hs (Brasilia)

​​​​​​​​ gc-americas-EN  

Watch the videos of our dialogue here​​ Smiley face


The celebration of the Girls in ICT Day will be carried out on 28 April 2022. The event has been organized in coordination with the regional Networks of Women and with the participation of Generation Connect Youth Envoy. During the consultation in 2021, girls highlighted the importance of having other girls like them participate in the planning and be more than simply audience members at GICT events. The main objective of the event is to connect women regulators and ministers within the Network of Women with young women to share their experiences to inspire them to continue/start a career in tech.
​For more information about the initiative please click here