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ITU Multi Country Training Workshop for National Focal Points on ICT Indicators and Measurements

 ITU is organizing the a Multi-Countries Workshop for National Focal Points on ICT Indicators and Measurements in Naypitaw, Myanmar from 15-18 March 2016 . The Workshop is kindly hosted by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Myanmar.   

The objective of the Workshop is to strengthen the capacity of your countries to produce national indicators and statistics on telecommunication/ICT, based on internationally agreed standards and methodologies.

The Workshop targets officials and national experts, especially from Ministries, regulatory agencies, national statistical offices, service providers as well as other stakeholders who are involved in the production, dissemination and extensive utilization of ICT data and statistics.

ITU is pleased to provide two (2) fellowships for national ICT statistics focal points at relevant Ministry/regulators and National Statistical Office of  Indonesia and VietNam , subject to availability of funds. Priority will be given to those who will prepare and present related county case(s)/report(s) in the Workshop.

Conclusion and Recommendation


Please refer to the documents tab for the list of national focal points for ICT Indicators and Statistics in your country.

webpic.jpg                                                                              Group photo (original size )




DAY 1:  15 March

08:00 - 09:00


Opening Session

09:00 - 09:15

Welcome Remarks

International Telecommunication Union

09:15 - 09:30

Opening Remarks

Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Myanmar

09:30 – 09:45

Introduction and definition of workshop objectives

09:45 – 10:00

Overview of ITU work on ICT measurement [Presentation]

10:00 - 10:30

Group Photo and Coffee Break

10:30 - 12:00

Session 1:  An Overview on Global ICT Benchmarks


Session Moderator: TBA 


  • Measuring the Information Society ReportSpeaker: Esperanza Magpantay, Senior Statistician, ICT Data and Statistics Division, ITU [Short bio] [Presentation]
  • Tracking progress in global and regional ICT targets

​Ø    Sustainable Development Goals [Presentation]​

        Speaker: Esperanza Magpantay, ITU

Ø    Connect 2020 Agenda [Presentation]​

       Speaker: Aurora A. Rubio, Head, ITU Area  [Short bio] [Introduction

Ø    Broadband Commission Targets [Presentation]​

       Speaker: Esperanza Magpantay, ITU 

Ø    ASEAN ICT Targets [Presentation]​

       Speaker: Koay Hock Eng, ITU Consultant [Short bio

12:00 – 14:00

Lunch Break

14:00 - 15:45

Session  2: Understanding the ITU Process on Collection, Production and Dissemination

of ICT Data


Session Moderator: Aurora A. Rubio, ITU Topics:

Presenting the ITU Questionnaires

Speaker: Esperanza Magpantay, ITU

The Work Cycle and Data collection and dissemination: Timelines and schedules

Speaker: Esperanza Magpantay, ITU

·  Roles of National Focal Points [Presentation]

   Speaker: Koay Hock Eng, Consultant

·  Data collection, verification and  harmonization    [Presentation]

   Speaker: Esperanza Magpantay, ITU

·  Addressing Data Gaps and challenges  [Presentation]

    Speaker: Koay Hock Eng, Consultant


Round-table Discussions

Moderator: Aurora A. Rubio, ITU

15:45 – 16:00

Coffee Break

16:00 – 17:30

Session 3:  A Closer Look at the ICT Development Index (IDI)


Session Moderator: Aurora A. Rubio, ITU Topics:

·  Monitoring global ICT goals and targets: Why IDI? [Presentation ]

   Speaker: Esperanza Magpantay, ITU

·  IDI Conceptual Framework and Methodology 

   Speaker: Esperanza Magpantay, ITU

·  Assessing data availability and Analyzing National IDIs [Presentation]

   Speaker: Mrs. Eni Lestariningsih, BPS Indonesia [Short bio]


Lunch Break


Session 6:  Definitions and Standards - Telecom Indicators (1) [Presentation]


Session Moderator: Aurora A. Rubio, ITU Topics:

·     Telecom Indicators

·     Interactive Discussions and Hands-on Exercises using country data

Speakers: Esperanza Magpantay, ITU and Koay Hock Eng, Consultant

15:30 – 15:45

Coffee Break

15:45 – 17:15

Session 7: Definitions and Standards - Telecom Indicators (2)


Session Moderator: Aurora A. Rubio, ITU Topics:

·     Telecom Indicators

·     Interactive Discussions and Hands-on Exercises using country data

Speakers: Esperanza Magpantay, ITU and Koay Hock Eng, Consultant

End of Day 2

DAY 3:  17 March

09:00 – 10:30

Session 8: Definitions and Standards – Telecom Indicators (3) [Presentation ]


Session Moderator: : Aurora A. Rubio, ITU Topics

·     Telecom Indicators

·     Collection of revenue and investment data on telecommunications

·     Confidentiality Concerns

·     Interactive Discussions and Hands-on Exercises using country data

Speakers: Esperanza Magpantay, ITU and Koay Hock Eng, Consultant

10:30 -11:00

Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:30

Session 9:   Definitions and Standards - ICT Household Indicators (1) [Presentation]


Session Moderator: Aurora A. Rubio, ITU Topics:

·     ICT Household Indicators

·     Interactive Discussions and Hands-on Exercises using country data

Speakers: Esperanza Magpantay, ITU and Koay Hock Eng, Consultant

12:30 – 14:00

Lunch break

14:00 – 15:30

Session 10:   Definitions and Standards - ICT Household Indicators (2)


Session Moderator: Aurora A. Rubio, ITU Topics:

·     ICT Household Indicators

·     Interactive Discussions and Hands-on Exercises using country data

Speakers: Esperanza Magpantay, ITU and Koay Hock Eng, Consultant

15:30 – 15:45

Coffee Break

15:45 – 17:00

Session 11:   Day 3: Quiz

End of Day 3

Day 4: 18 March 2016

09:00 – 10:30

Session 12: Review of topics discussed on day 3


Discussants: Esperanza Magpantay, ITU and Koay Hock Eng, Consultant

10:30 – 10:45

Coffee Break

10:45 – 12:15

Session 13:   Understanding the Indicators on price and affordability of ICTs and

telecommunication revenue and investment [Presentation]


Session Moderator: Aurora A. Rubio, ITU Topics:

·     ITUICT Price Basket

·     Interactive Discussions and Hands-on exercises and tests

Speakers: Esperanza Magpantay, ITU and Koay Hock Eng, Consultant

12:15 – 13:00

Session 14: Conclusion and Way Forward


Closing Session

13:00 – 14:30

Lunch break

14:30 -17:00

Bilateral Discussions: National Focal Points with ITU and/or with National Focal Points

of Other Participating Countries  (to be arranged, as requested)

End of the Workshop
