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ITU-BTRC Asia-Pacific Regulators' Roundtable 2018

​​​​​The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Bangladesh Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (BTRC), organized “ITU-BTRC Asia-Pacific Regulators Roundtable” with support from the Australian Government. The meeting held from 6-7 August 2018 in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

For over eight years, the Regulators’ Roundtable has provided telecommunication/ICT regulators in the Asia-Pacific region with a platform that fosters dynamic and strategic discussions, sharing of information, relevant experiences and practices as well as conclusively debate on possible solutions and opportunities for potential collaboration to address emerging regulatory issues and challenges. This year’s Regulators’ Roundtable will be followed by the 18th APT Policy and Regu​latory Forum (PRF-18) from 8-10 organized by Asia-Pacific Telecommunity at Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Interested participants are requested to complete the registration form and not later than 30 June 2018. Please note that participation in the Regulators’ Roundtable is limited to senior representatives of telecommunication/ICT policy making and regulatory agencies only. The RR will be conducted in English and will be paperless.

ITU provided one full fellowship will be offered to one participant duly authorized by the respective ITU Administration from Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and low-income countries with a per capita gross domestic product (GDP) not exceeding USD 2’000 from the Asia-Pacific Region, subject to available budget and to full participation at the Roundtable. The deadline for fellowship applications is 30 June 2018. ​​

Mr Sameer Sharma of the ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (telephone: +66 2 575 0055, email: and Ms Porntip Modethes (email:​) are at the disposal of participants who require assistance for the Regulators’ Roundtable. 


Day 1 (6 Aug)

08:30–09:30                            REGISTRATION 

09:30–10:15: Opening Session

Welcome Remarks: Mr Md Jahurul Haque, Chairman of Bangladesh Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (BTRC)​  [Speech​]

Special Remarks: 

Ms Areewan Haorangsi, Secretary General, Asia-Pa​cific Telecommunity  [Speech]

Mr Shyam Sunder Sikder, Secretary of Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology  [Speech]

Opening Remarks: H.E. Mr Mustafa Jabbar, Minister of Posts, Telecommunications & Information Technology  [Bio]  [Speech]

Keynote Address:  Mr Ioane Koroivuki, Regional Director, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific  [Speech]

10:15- 10:30                            GROUP PHOTO AND COFFEE BREAK

10:30 – 12:00: SESSION 1: Digital Transformation: Ecosystem for Digital Economies

Session Moderator: Dr Shahjahan Mahmood, Former Chairman, BTRC and Chairman, Bangladesh Communication Satellite Company Limited​ [Bio​]

This session will examine the need for an ecosystem approach in promoting digital economies and smart services for citizen services to achieve digital transformation

- What is the role of regulators as facilitators in a cross-sectoral digital ecosystem?
- What are the current policy and regulatory barriers?
- Demand and supply factors
- How to harness cross sectoral collaboration?

Session Interveners:

Mr Chencho Dorji , Director General, Bhutan InfoComm and Media Authority (BICMA), Bhutan [Bio]

Mr. Ilyas Ahmad, Chief Executive, Communications Authority of Maldives​ [Bio​]

Open Discussion and Wrap Up 

12:00 -13:30: Lunch Break

13:30–15:00: SESSION 2: Addressing the barriers for development of Digital Connectivity

Session Moderator: H.E. Moa Chakrya, Chairman, Telecommunication Regulator of Cambodia (TRC), Cambodia [Bio​]

The Session aims to cover the following:

- What comprises digital connectivity?
- Current barriers in developing digital connectivity and relevant policy / regulatory enablers
- What tools to enhance affordable ICTs for SDGs? (international/national connectivity and strategies to leverage financing for ICTs across the sectors,  models to Bridge the digital / broadband divide)?
- Best practices and developmental models
- Investment opportunities for private sector with incentive regulatory approach

​Session Interveners:

Mr Ali Mohammad Montazeri, Director General, Technical & Economic Planning Dept.​, Communications Regulatory Authority (CRA), Iran [Bio]

Open Discussion and Wrap Up

15:00 -15:30: Coffee Break

15:30–17:00: SESSION 3: Challenges of New Technologies and regulatory approaches

This session will examine barriers and solutions for development issues in an ICT ecosystem, which promotes sustainable investment and infrastructure development, especially on such issues on AI, IoT and industry 4.0.

Session Moderator:  Mr Ilyas Ahmad, Chief Executive, Communications Authority of Maldives [Bio]

The Session will examine and debate on:

- New technologies including 5G, AI, Blockchain, IOT, Industry 4.0
- Are current regulatory practices sufficient for industry?
- How to foster transparency and accountability? Do we need algorithm legislation? 
- Challenges and opportunities
- 5th Generation of Regulation

Session Interveners:   

  • Brigadier General Md. Mustafa Kamal, Director General, Engineering & Operations Division, BTRC, Bangladesh​​ [Bio]
  • Mr​ Fernando da Silva, Director, Board Member of the National Communications Authority of Timor-Leste [Bio​]


Open Discussion and Wrap Up​

Day 2 (7 Aug)

09:00-10:30:  SESSION 4Universal broadband for all  

Session Moderator: Ms. Dalsie Baniala, Regulator, Telecommunication and Radiocommunication Regulator, (TRR), Vanuatu​ [Bio]

The session aims to discuss and address the following concerns:

- Status of broadband connectivity and new targets by Broadband Commission for Digital Development
- Review collaboration mechanisms for sustainable investment in infrastructure (addressing 5G, mobile broadband, fixed broadband, satellite broadband)
- Demand side drivers : Awareness, developing digital skills , promoting innovation and SME

Session Interveners:  

  • Ms Nur Sulyna Abdullah is the Chief Officer of Corporate Strategy, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), Malaysia [Bio]
  • Mr Balkrishna Ghimire, Director General, Dept of Information and Broadcasting, Ministry of Communication and Information Technology, Nepal [Bio]


10:30-11:00  TEA / COFFEE BREAK 

​11:00- 12:30:  SESSION 5:  Protecting privacy, ensuring trust and security of consumers while promoting innovation and growth in digital era: Industry- Regulator Dialogue

Session Moderator: Mr. Ioane Koroivuki, Regional Director, ITU Regional Office for Asia-Pacific​​ [Bio]  

This interactive debate will see panelists share their views to enhance consumer trust including secured and trusted data flows, data ownership and control, the role of social media, data security and privacy, and how horizontal regulation can empower consumers. (e.g., securing e‐commerce/ financial transactions, digital identity):

- Challenge of network and personal security
- Privacy and IPR issues – GDPR – what does this mean?  Is this model relevant globally?
- Initiatives by social media for consumer protection safeguards
- Legal and regulatory framework
- How to promote innovation and growth?

Session Interveners:  

  • Mr. Sameer Sharma , Senior Advisor, ITU Regional Office, Asia-Pacific  [Bio]  [Presentation​]
  • Michael Foley , CEO, Grameenphone, Bangladesh​  [Bio]​
  • Ms Monica Desai, Director of Global Public Policy, Facebook, USA [Bio]
  • Mr S K Mishra, Principal Advisor, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India , India [Bio​​]


Open Discussion and Wrap Up 

12:30- 14:00: LUNCH

​14:00- 15:30:  SESSION 6:  Innovative regulatory tools as drivers of cross sectoral collaboration

Session Moderator: Ms Unutoa Auelua-Fonoti, Regulator, Samoa [Bio]

​​The session will explore and exchange views and experiences on:

- Need for collaborative regulation
- Generation 5 of Regulation – what does this mean in practice?
- ICT4SDG : Regulator as partner for achieving SDGs
- Inclusive Approach :  ICTs for women,  Persons with disabilities

Session Interveners:

Mr. Luvsan-Ochir Altai, Director of the ICT Development & Regulation Division  Commmunications Regulatory Commission of Mongolia, Mongolia​ [Bio]

Open Discussion and Wrap Up

15:30- 16:00:  COFFEE BREAK 

​16:00- 16:30: SESSION 7:WAY FORWARD

Session Moderator:  Mr. Md. Aminul Hassan, Commissioner, Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission, Bangladesh [Bio]

This session will brainstorm on the key ideas and outcomes that have emerged through knowledge/experience sharing in previous Sessions and examine the principles, practices and recommendations that will assist regulators in the Asia-Pacific region in addressing the telecommunication/ICT regulatory challenges. 

​Session Interveners:

Mr. Sameer Sharma , Senior Advisor, ITU Regional Office, Asia-Pacific  [Bio​]  

Open Discussion and Wrap Up ​​

16:30-17:00: CLOSING SESSION

Closing Remarks: 

  • Mr Ioane Koroivuki , Regional Director, ITU Regional Office for Asia-Pacific
  • Mr Md Jahurul Haque​, Chairman of Bangladesh Telecommunications Regulatory Commission, BTRC
  • H.E. Mr. Hasanul Haq Inu, Minister, Ministry of Information, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh​


Industry Roundtable: Partnership for Digital Economy Growth

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Industry Roundtable: Partnership for Digital Economy Growth

Objective: For government and industry to present their views on policies that will support ICT industry growth and deliver socio-economic development through the Digital Economy.

17:00-17: 15​ Key Outcomes of WTDC- 2017 , Asia-Pacific Regional ​Initiatives and Industry Participation, Role of industry in Digital Economy, Leveraging  stronger partnership

Mr Ioane Koroivuki, Regional Director, ITU Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific  [Presentation]

17:15 - 17: 45 Digital Economy Progress and National ICT Development Plans

  • Bangladesh
  • Ms Jesusa Lee, Engineer III, National Telecommunications Commission, Philippines
  • Mr Imad Memon, Director General, Pakistan Telecommunications Authority, Pakistan​

17:45 - 18:30: Building Block for the Digital Economy:

Future requirements for spectrum:

  • Mr Sameer Sharma, ITU  [Presentation​]
  • Mr Foong Chee Kheong, Axiata
  • Ms Tenzin Norbhu, Facebook​


Finding the balance for spectrum prices:
Mr Magne Pettersen, Telenor

18:30 - 19:00: Roundtable Discussion/Q&A with Industry: Mr Sameer Sharma, ITU

Conclusion and Next Steps

  • National industry-government dialogues
  • Mr. Ioane Koroivuki, ITU