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The 4th Asia-Pacific Regional Forum on Smart Sustainable Cities and e-Government 2018

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Following successes of the Asia-Pacific Regional Forums on Smart Sustainable Cities and e-Government in the last three years (2015 - 2017), ITU and the Ministry of Information and Communication of Vietnam are convening the “4th Asia-Pacific Regional Forum on Smart Sustainable Cities and e-Government 2018” on 4-6 July 2018 in Thanh Hoa City, Vietnam. This year's forum is organized by the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau and the ITU ​Telecommunication Standardization Bureau. The Forum is supported by the Department of Communications and the Arts, Government of Australia and and the World Smart Sustainable Cities Organization (WeGO).

The Asia-Pacific Regional Forum on Smart Sustainable Cities and e-Government Series has become a platform for knowledge sharing and discussion on emerging issues related to Smart Sustainable Cities and Digital Government including such issues as IoTs, Big Data, Security, and etc. The forum also provides a networking opportunity among policy makers, regulators, industries, NGOs, and academia thereby fostering public-private-people partnership. The forum envisages multi-stakeholder partnerships. 


The main purpose of this year forum is to provide a platform for various stakeholders in public and private sectors as well as civil society who involve with driving digital government and smart sustainable cities. The forum will convene on emerging trends, issues, and challenges of national developments from various aspects ranging from standards and KPIs for measuring smart cities to design and implementing architectures, services and applications for smart cities. Consequently, the forum will facilitate implementations towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and WSIS Targets. It is also envisaged that networking people through this forum will lead to international collaboration e.g. South-South cooperation, City-to-City collaboration, Public-Private partnership.


The forum targets participants from countries in the Asia-Pacific region , including but not limited to: 
• Ministers of telecommunications/ICTs 
• City mayors and officers 
• Government CEOs, CIOs 
• Regulators
• Senior policy makers and government officers 
• Enterprises at all levels 
• NGOs and academia

ITU invited delegates from its Membership in the region including 38 Member States, 134 Sector Members and Associates, and 17 Academia. In addition, participants from other regions are also welcomed. Over 250 participants are expected this year.​​​​​​

Final Agenda and Presentations​​​
