Committed to connecting the world

ITU - ADB joint webinar on advances in closing the ICT connectivity gap in Asia-Pacific

​​​International Telecommunication Union and the Asian Development Bank are jointly organizing a webinar on “Advances in Closing the ICT connectivity Gap in Asia-Pacific: Better Analysis, Understanding and Solutions” to be conducted 23rd September 2020.

The event is designed to serve as a platform of discussion and exchange of ideas with targeted participants from public policy and decision-makers, ICT regulators and other representatives from industry, development partners, experts and academics.


  • Equitable Connectivity
  • Challenges for industry
  • Role of satellite and Terrestrial infrastructure and disruptive strategies
  • Supportive Policies and Spectrum Management for enhanced connectivity



Welcome and Instructions
Presentation on:
​Discussion and Q&A
Incl. photograph (screenshot)
​11:50- 12:00

​Closing Remarks

Mr. Thomas Abell
Advisor and Chief of Digital Technology for Development
Asian Development Bank

Ms. Atsuko Okuda
Regional Director
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
International Telecommunication Union

Mr. John Garrity
Economist and Policy Advisor 

Ms. Anju Mangal
A4AI’s Asia-Pacific Regional Coordinator
