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ITU Regional Development Forum for the CIS Region was held in Uzbekistan

​​​​​​ ITU Regional Development Forum for CIS Region ​​​​
26 October​ 2022​


The ITU Regional Development Forum​ for the CIS Region was held today in Samarkand with the support of the Ministry of Information Technology and Communications Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan as part of the ICT Week. The Forum was organized by the International Telecommunication Union as a platform for dialogue between the ITU and the countries of the region, representatives of the ICT industry, academic institutions and other interested parties.

Completing the cycle of regional initiatives approved during the ITU World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC) 2017, Natalia Mochu, ITU Regional Director for the CIS Region, outlined the implementation of the initiatives, presented the results achieved and the most significant projects and activities for 2018-2022.

The Regional Initiative on Infrastructure and Future Networks implemented a project to establish a laboratory for testing new technologies, services and applications. And as part of the Regional Initiative on enabling legislative and regulatory environment to accelerate digital transformation, a project to establish Critical Incident Response Teams in the Kyrgyz Republic is being implemented. In addition, projects on Digital Skills Centres for girls, youth, and children with disabilities have been implemented in Uzbekistan. For more details on the ITU's results, please refer to the link.

During the first session, representatives of the Liaison Administration, sector members, partners shared the achieved results of the projects. Participants discussed the tasks and projects for 2023-2025, the implementation of which will meet the national priorities of the countries and contribute to the implementation of five new regional initiatives, approved as a result of WRC-2022 (July 2022, Kigali, Rwanda). The initiatives relate to ICT infrastructure development and the adoption of new and innovative technologies, cybersecurity, digital transformation, bridging the digital divide and developing smart and sustainable cities.

In recent years, Uzbekistan paid special attention to digital development. Oleg Pekos, First Deputy Minister for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of Uzbekistan, notes that the rapid development of digital technologies shows the need to further strengthen cooperation and cooperation between countries and IT companies. Therefore, it is especially important for the agency to hold such events.​
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"Cooperation with the ITU is a benchmark for how international organisations and governments should work together. Every year, the agenda expands and the number of joint projects increases. We have many joint IT projects and we will focus on this topic. I am very glad to welcome you here with such an extended delegation to Uzbekistan".
Oleg Pekos, First Deputy Minister of Information Technologies and Communications Development 

A total of more than a sixty people attended the forum. Participants discussed trends and existing challenges for digital transformation of various sectors of the country and analyzed practical cases of successful implementation of technological solutions to support digital systems of Uzbekistan.

The Regional Development Forum is open for all interested parties wishing to strengthen cooperation and partnership between telecommunication/ICT policy makers, regulators, industry, academia, regional and international agencies and development organizations on specific regional telecommunication and ICT issues. We thank everyone for participating!
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