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Regional Initiative Approved by WTDC-10: Development of Recommendations and Creation of a Pilot Segment of a Telecommunication/ICT System to Support Secure Remote Retail Payments and the Management of Bank Accounts Using Wireless Communication Networks


​The CIS Regional Initiative (RI) approved by the 2010 World Telecommunication Development Conference (Hyderabad, India) «Development of Recommendations and Creation of a Pilot Segment of a Telecommunication/ICT System to Support Secure Remote Retail Payments and the Management of Bank Accounts Using Wireless Communication Networks» was implemented in the period of 2011-2014.

The overall management of the RI implementation was conducted by ITU Area office for CIS countries in close collaboration with two ITU-D sector members: CJSC "Intervale" (Russian Federation) and Odessa national Academy of Telecommunications (ONAT) named A.S. Popov (Ukraine).


The Regional Initiative implementation resulted in:

  • Creation by CJSC Intervale of a pilot segment of a telecommunication/ICT system to support secure remote retail payments to provide the management of bank accounts using wireless communication networks: CJSC Intervale put into commercial operation mobile payment systems in the Russian Federation (Easy Payment and MasterCard Mobile) and in the Republic of Kazakhstan (MyPay.Kz);
  • Elaboration by experts Mr. Yury Bozhor, Head, Plastic Cards Department, OJSC Bank Otkrytiye, and Mr. Roman Lukashov, Head, Development and Analysis Research Centre of Payment Systems and Settlements of  Recommendations on Development of Mobile Payments for Countries of  CIS Region based on preliminary performed by them Analysis of the Current State, Trends and Prospects of Mobile Payment Service in the CIS Countries (Yury Bozhor)  and  Analysis of the Experience of the Development of Mobile Payments in the World (Roman Lukashov);
  • Elaboration by Mr. Vadim Kaptur, Vice-rector for Scientific Work of ONAT n.a. A.S. Popov of a training course and guidelines for organizing a laboratory cycle on the subject Design, Technical Operation and Security of Mobile Payment Systems for telecommunication universities.

The experience obtained by CJSC Intervale during the creation of the mobile payment systems reflected in the guidelines, as well as the recommendations elaborated by the experts and the training course were presented at the ITU Regional Workshop for CIS "Mobile Payments: The Issues and Prospects for the Development", Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan, 14-16 October 2014.