Committed to connecting the world

ITU Forum: ICT Accessibility a Requisite Towards an Inclusive Digital Society"


ITU organized a Forum: "ICT Accessibility a Requisite Towards an Inclusive Digital Society", which took place in Vienna, Austria, within the framework of Zero Project Conference, on 23 February 2018 from 14:20 to 15:50.

​Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have a vital role for ALL people’s empowerment and represent an enabler for inclusion in the society. For persons with disabilities (PwD) accessible ICTs can remove barriers and help them to have an independent life. Therefore, we should all join efforts to identify and remove barriers by all means to enable human development and social inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (PwD).
ITU is “committed to connecting the world” without any discrimination.

PP Resolution 175 (Rev. Busan, 2014) and WTDC Resolution 58 (Rev. Buenos Aires. 2017) on Telecommunication/information and communication technology accessibility for persons with disabilities and specific needs mandate the Telecommunication Development Bureau to undertake specific action to enhance digital inclusion of PwDs. The ITU Regional Initiative for Europe on ICT Accessibility for PwD, agreed at WTDC-17, is focused on tangible progress and concrete implementation of ICT Accessibility to ensure that access and use ICTs by PwDs, are the same as for other citizens in Europe region.

 The objectives of the ITU Forum were:

  • To have a understanding of ITU’s work in promoting accessible ICTs
  • To inform on the top priorities of our Member States in implementing ICT accessibility as per  WTDC-17
  • To share key resources developed to support the implementation of ICT Accessibility globally


Interactive discussions on accessible ICTs for an inclusive digital society took place to share views and good practices.