Committed to connecting the world


Ms. Doreen Bogdan-Martin, Director of the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU.
Ms. Doreen Bogdan-Martin was elected Director of the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau in November 2018 and took office on the 1 of January 2019. She is a strategic leader with 30 years' of high-level experience in international and inter-governmental relations, and a long history of success in policy and strategy development, analysis and execution. From 2008-2018, she led the Strategic Planning & Membership Department of ITU, and also served as Coordinator of United Nations Affairs. She was one of the architects of the annual Global Symposium for Regulators and leads ITU's contribution to the EQUALS Global Partnership for Gender Equality in the Digital Age. She serves as Executive Director of the UN Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development, and is leading ITU's collaboration with UNICEF and others on the GIGA project to connect the world's school. She holds a Master's degree in International Communications Policy from the American University in Washington, DC and a post graduate certificate in Strategies for Leadertship from the Institute for Management Development in Lausanne, Switzerland. She is an affiliate of the Harvard University Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society, and a Generation Unlimited Champion. She serves on a number of advisory bodies, including the Geneva Tsingua Initiative, the SDG Lab Advisory Board, and the UN Technology Innovation Labs. She is also an amateur radio operator. Ms Bogdan-Martin is married with four children.

Ms. Helena Dalli is the European Commissionaire for Equality. Her portfolio includes the following: Strengthening Europe’s commitment to inclusion and equality in all of its senses, irrespective of sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation; Leading the fight against discrimination and developing EU anti-discrimination legislation; Leading on EU implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; Developing a European Gender Strategy to address barriers for women, including gender mainstreaming and equality at work with binding pay transparency; Ensuring the full implementation of the Work-Life Balance Directive; Progressing on the Women on Boards Directive with Member States and advancingthe empowerment of women and girls; Stepping up the EU's response to gender-based violence and strengthening the Victims Directive; Exploring the addition of 'violence against women' to the list of EU crimes and supporting EU accession to the Istanbul Convention.

H.E. Ana Brnabić, Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia. Born in Belgrade in 1975. Educated in Serbia, US and UK, she has extensive experience in working with international organisations, foreign investors, local self-governments and the public sector in Serbia. In August 2016 she was elected Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government and she performed that function until her election as a Prime Minister of Serbia in June 2017. In October 2020 she was re-elected as a Prime Minister.




H.E. Ms. Alexandra Leitão, Minister of the Modernization of State and Public Administration of Portugal
Ms. Alexandra Leitão was born in Lisbon in 1973. She holds a degree, a master and a PhD in Law, all from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon.
She is an assistant professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon. Alexandra Leitão was Assistant Secretary of State and Education between 2015 and 2019.
Between 2009 and 2011 she was Deputy Director of the Legal Centre of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers (CEJUR), where she served as a consultant from 1999 to 2009. She was a member of the Advisory Board of the Attorney General's Office between 2011 and 2015. From 1997 to 1999, she was adviser in the Cabinet of the Secretary of State of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.


Ms. Ana Sofia AntunesSecretary of State of the Inclusion of the Persons with Disabilities of Portugal 
Ms. Ana Sofia Antunes was born in Lisbon in 1981 and grew up in Vale de Milhaços, Corroios. Today lives in Vila Franca de Xira. Graduated in Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, was already after having internship, entered the Bar and exercised a year of law in the areas of administrative, urban and real estate law, which received the invitation to work in the City Council. from Lisbon. In the local council, she advised the Mobility Councilor, having worked as legal adviser between 2007 and 2013. In 2010 she was also responsible for the work of the Pedestrian Accessibility Plan in Lisbon and coordinated the respective C omission Tracking. Three years later, she moved to the Lisbon Municipal Mobility and Parking Company (EMEL), where she was the client's provider. She was a member of ACAPO, Association of the Blind and Amblyopic of Portugal, having held the position of president of the National Directorate of the Association between 2013 and 2015. She was a candidate for the Socialist Party's parliamentary elections in the 2015 and 2019 legislative elections, elected in the latter by the Lisbon circle to the Assembly of the Republic. At the municipal level, she has been a municipal deputy for the PS in Arganil Municipality, since 2017. She held the position of Secretary of State for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in the XXI Constitutional Government.




Ms. Maria de Fátima Fonseca, Secretary of State of the Innovation and Administrative Modernization of Portugal
Ms. Maria de Fátima Fonseca has a master’s degree in Administration and Public Policies from Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa and has a law degree from the University of Lisbon. In present moment, the Secretary of State is preparing her doctoral thesis in public policies. From 2011 to 2017 she was Director of Human Resources at the Lisbon City Council. Before that period, she was Municipal Director of Central Services at Lisbon City Council, was responsible for the area of administrative modernization, was Director of the Municipal Modernization Office at the City Council of Amadora and Director of the Unit of Development of Models and Organizational Innovation at the Institute for Innovation in the Administration of the State. She was also a lawyer, consultant, trainer and participated in the Restructuring Program of the Central Administration of the State. She is the author of several articles, manuals and book chapters in her areas of expertise. She is co-author of the books «Public Administration: modernization, quality and innovation» and «Governance, Innovation and Technologies: the Network State and the Public Administration of the Future». She was appointed Ambassador of the Dignified Work Goal, of the Alliance for Sustainable Development Goals - UN Global Compact Network (Portugal).She was Secretary of State for Administration and Public Employment in the previous Government.

Mr. Manos Antoninis, Director, Global Education Monitoring Report, UNESCO.
Manos Antoninis has been the director of the GEM Report since August 2017. During this period he led the team on the themes of accountability, migration and displacement, and inclusion. As part of the 2020 GEM Report on inclusion, the team produced two regional editions (Latin America and the Caribbean; Central and Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia) and the PEER website, which includes more than 160 country profiles that describe how countries approach inclusion through their laws and policies. He was previously responsible for the monitoring section of the report. He coordinated the financing gap estimates for the 2030 education targets, the projections on the achievement of universal primary and secondary education completion, and the World Inequality Database on Education. He has been representing the report team in the Technical Cooperation Group on SDG 4 indicators, which he is currently co-chairing. Prior to joining the team he worked for 10 years on public finance, monitoring and evaluation projects in education in Africa, Asia and South-eastern Europe.





Mr. Shadi Abou-Zahra, Accessibility Strategy and Technology Specialist, W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).
Mr. Shadi Abou-Zahra works with the W3C Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) as the Accessibility Strategy and Technology Specialist. He coordinates accessibility priorities in the W3C Strategy team, as well as international promotion, coordination, and harmonization of web accessibility standards. Shadi also maintains WAI liaisons with key stakeholders including disability, research, and standards organizations, as well as coordinates WAI outreach in Europe, accessibility evaluation techniques, and European-funded projects on accessibility.








Mr. Manel Alcaide, CEO of Visulfy.
Manel Alcaide, our CEO is leading the project. Fierce entrepreneur and Visualfy co-founder who has deeply rooted the objectives of our company. In less than two years he has led Visualfy from a start-up with 2 employees to an IT company of 12 workers that has drawn the attention both in the world of social-minded enterprises and organizations, and the extremely competitive league of large companies like Telefónica, Google or Sony. Manel is bilingual in sign language and has a strong empathy with the hearing impaired. With his personal ability he has achieved to gain the confidence of the most important deaf associations in the world: CNSE, FIAPAS, European Union of the Deaf, Word Federation of the Deaf and even Gallaudet University, the unique university in the world ran by deaf people.




Mr. Lioz Amar, CEO & Founder of Travaxy.
Travel agents are not accessibility experts. Travaxy accessible travel APIs enable offline/online travel agencies/travel APIs/ and GDSs to find the most accurate offers by disability type and needs ensuring a worry-free holiday. Our flights - Airline Notification, and accommodation offers happen in seconds, instead of hours and sometimes days. The best thing about it is that B2B partners don't need to disconnect from their service providers (hotel API and flights).  We have a middle layer APIs to fast and easy to integrate solutions, making them disability experts! Travaxy is on a mission to change reality, help, and support planning and booking accessible holidays.


Mr. Ricardo García Bahamonde has worked in the field of Digital Accessibility and Disability Inclusion since 2004 and has broad experience in consulting, project management, business development and training assignments in the United States, Latin America, the Middle East, and Europe. Ricardo has put his experience in accessibility, education and employment policies and strategies at the service of companies, universities, non-profits, and governments including leading organizations like the Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, GA, USA), the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the G3ict (USA), SourceAmerica (USA), the ONCE Foundation (Spain), and the Governments of the Republic of Serbia, Peru, and Colombia. Currently, Ricardo works as a Digital Accessibility and Disability Inclusion Consultant and is a regular speaker at international conferences, having delivered close to 60 presentations and workshops worldwide. An IAAP Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies (CPACC), Ricardo holds a MA in Economics from the Universidad Complutense of Madrid, Spain and obtained his Project Management Professional (PMP) certificate from the Project Management Institute (PMI).



Dr. Polonca Blaznik, Director of the Information Society Office, Ministry of Public Administration, Slovenia.
Dr Polonca Blaznik received her BSc degree in Mathematics and PhD degree in Computer Science at the University of Ljubljana. She began her career at the national research institute “Jozef Stefan” Later she joined the Slovenian Civil Service. She first headed the IT Department at the Environmental Agency of Slovenia, where she was involved in different projects for the exchange of environmental spatial data.  Later she joined the Ministry of Public Administration where she was the Head of the eGovernment services development Unit, mainly focusing on development of various digital services for citizens and businesses. In 2019, she was appointed the Director of the Information Society Office within the same Ministry, responsible for the strategic planning and promotion of the digital transformation of Slovenia.


Mr. Seth Bravin, Director of Strategic Alliances, T-Mobile
Seth Bravin is director of strategic alliances at T-Mobile, a telecommunications company. T-Mobile Accessibility provides a comprehensive array of accessible communication services to empower people who are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, DeafBlind, Low-Vision or have a Speech Disability. Before joining T-Mobile, Mr. Bravin served as associate director of technology access at George Washington University where he led the university’s accessibility initiatives. He previously worked at IBM for more than a decade where he held strategy and finance roles with several business units including IBM Accessibility and IBM Global Public Sector. He participated in IBM's Corporate Service Corps program in Indonesia and worked with a disability non-governmental organization on several accessibility initiatives. Mr. Bravin earned an MBA from Cornell University, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration and Finance from Gallaudet University. He has a foundational certification from the International Accessibility Association of Professionals (Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies). He testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions about how higher education can help improve employment outcomes for people with disabilities. He currently serves on the Board of Trustees of Gallaudet University and the Board of Trustees of Lexington School and Center for the Deaf.

Ms. Cristina Bueti, Counsellor, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU
Ms. Cristina Bueti is the ITU Focal Point on Environment and Smart Sustainable Cities. She is also the Counsellor of ITU-T Study Group 20 “Internet of things (IoT) and smart cities and communities (SC&C)” at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). She also serves as TSB/ITU focal point for Latin America.
As part of the International Women's Day 2016, she was named as one of the twenty Geneva-based inspirational women working to protect the environment. She has authored over 40 reports on telecommunication issues. A native Italian speaker, Cristina is also fluent in English, French and Spanish.




Dr. Dušan Caf, ITU Consultant, ITU.
Dušan Caf is Director of the Digitas Institute. He leads digital accessibility policy and research programmes, and a platform for connecting stakeholders from advocacy, academia and industry dedicated to accessibility that collaborate on creating a more inclusive digital society. In 2020, he carried out a Europe-wide ICT accessibility assessment for the International Telecommunication Union. He has in-depth experience in technology and public policy. He served as President of the Council of the Agency for Communications Networks and Services of the Republic of Slovenia and President of the National Electronic Communications Council.





Mr. Simão Campos, Counsellor, Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, ITU
Mr. Simão heads the secretariat for ITU’s Study Group 16 (on multimedia standards including audio and video coding, accessibility/human factors, digital health, DLT, ITS) and Focus Group on AI for health (FG-AI4H). His standardization experience started in 1989 with voice compression standards. Simão has managed the development of some notable technical standards, including Primetime Emmy recipients H.264 AVC, H.265 HEVC and JPEG; as well as ITU/WHO H.870 Safe Listening Devices and H.810-series Continua Design Guidelines. Prior to joining ITU, he was a Scientist at COMSAT Labs, USA, and a researcher at Brazil's CPqD telecom research center. A Senior Member of the IEEE, Simão authored several academic papers and position papers, served in the review committee of several IEEE-sponsored conferences, and organized the first ITU Kaleidoscope Conference.




Ms. Sara Carrasqueiro, Board of Directors, Administrative Modernization Agency, AMA Portugal.
Sara Carrasqueiro is a member of the Administrative Modernization Agency's Board of Directors since March 2018. She has a degree in Electronics and Computer Science and a Masters in Clinical Engineering. Throughout her professional career, she held multiple positions in private and public entities, providing consultancy services in strategic management, auditing, project and quality management, engineering and information systems, specifically regarding the national health system, namely in the eHealth Network, where she participated as a European Commission expert. From 2012 to 2018 she collaborated with SPMS - Shared Services for the Ministry of Health of Portugal, where she had leading positions directing and coordinating departments related to the national health information ecosystem, enterprise architecture and auditing, national registries and interoperability platforms, international projects, among others. Sara Carrasqueiro is also a researcher in these areas, focusing specifically on Public Governance and Administrative Modernization and Innovation. She collaborates with different academic institutions, namely with the University of Lisbon, where she teaches Shared Resources Management and eGovernment.

Mr. Robin Christopherson, MBE, Head of Digital Inclusion, AbilityNet, United Kingdom.
Robin is Head of Digital Inclusion and part of the globally-acclaimed accessibility and tech team of AbilityNet and has spoken at numerous events in recent years.  Robin is himself blind but effortlessly enthrals the audience with deft demonstrations of good and bad practice in website and mobile accessibility. Despite being blind Robin uses technology very effectively - using speech output to access computers, the internet, his iPhone and many other technologies to assist him in his work. More importantly he has a first-hand appreciation of the importance of web and mobile design and its impact on accessibility and usability for every customer. Robin also has courtroom experience as an expert technical witness in the area of assistive technology and in software, systems and website accessibility. In addition, he advises companies on their obligations under the Equality Act and the Disability Equality Duty – including the evaluation of case specific reasonable adjustment. After Cambridge University, Robin worked as an IT instructor for the Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB) and became a founding member of AbilityNet in 1998. He was awarded the World's 100 Most Influential People in Digital Government (2019), an MBE from the Duke of Cambridge (January 2017), the Tech4Good Special Award (2016), which has previously been conferred on Prof Stephen Hawking, Dame Steve Shirley and Jimmy Wales, and a UK Digital Leaders Public Figure of the Year award (2015). He is also a judge at the Global Mobile Awards (2020) for the fifth year running.

Dr. Susanne Dirks, Technology of Rehabilitation, TU Dortmund University.
Dr. Dirks is a recognized expert in accessibility. Her current research and teaching activities include the development of accessible digital resources. The focus of this work is primarily on improving cognitive accessibility. Other relevant content of her research includes the development of user-friendly human-machine interfaces, technology acceptance, and participatory software development. In the context of participatory software development, she is also addressing ethical and legal challenges in working with people with cognitive disabilities. As a trained computational linguist, she has many years of practical experience in language technology and in the development of multimodal interactive systems.


Mr. Endre Olsvik Elvestad, Founder and CEO of SignLab, a startup building a digital learning platform helping families with deaf children learn sign language. Since its launch in 2019, SignLab has quickly become the leading resource for learning Norwegian sign language. The company has won several international awards including awards from The Special Olympics 2019 and The Zero Project. Endre holds a Masters in Computer Science from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology(NTNU) specializing in Virtual Reality & Artificial Intelligence with a focus on sign language.




Ms. Walburga Fröhlich, Managing Director Capito
Walburga Fröhlich is dedicated to ideas and projects that contribute to a self-determined lifestyle of disabled people in the midst of our society. After 10 years of professional experience in the development and management of various projects in the field of disability and adult education, she founded the social enterprise "atempo" together with Klaus Candussi in 2000. In Austria, atempo is regarded as one of the leading players in the field of inclusion and equality of people with disabilities. Walburga Fröhlich is Ashoka Fellow, board member of the "Social Economy Styria. For people with disabilities" and 1st Chairwoman of the "Social Entrepreneurship Network Austria SENA".





Mr. Jesús Hernández Galán, Director of Universal Accessibility and Innovation, Fundación ONCE, Spain.  
Doctor in Engineering with cum laude honors, with more than 30 years’ experience working in the field of accessibility. From 1990 to 2000, I was as an accessibility consultant specializing in protected natural areas. On 2000, I was appointed General Director and CEO of accessibility consultant company, Via Libre, until 2003 when I became Director of Universal Accessibility and Innovation Directorate at Fundacion ONCE to present. I am currently vice president of the European Network of Accessible Tourism (ENAT), president of the technical standardization committee 170 for Universal Accessibility and Design for All, and a trustee of three foundations working in accessibility. I have also been a jury member of the following awards: Access City Awards from its first edition to present, Queen Letizia Awards, Fundación Universia Innovation Awards and OTIS Accessibility Awards. Additionally, I have been Project Leader of several standardization working groups about accessibility such as European Commission Mandate 420, Accessibility Requirements for Public Procurement and ISO 21902 Accessible Tourism. Moreover, I have been dissertation director and a member of the examination committee for more than ten doctoral dissertations, co-author of over 80 research papers and publications, and have travelled to more than 30 countries to participate at conferences a guest speaker. I have also received additional training at some of the most prestigious universities such as Polytechnic University of Madrid, Stanford University, London School of Economics and IESE.



Mr. Steffen Helbing, Board member of World in Sign EU GmbH.
World in Sign is a company that develops new technologies for accessibility and inclusion of all people. World in Sign is represented internationally, e.g., in America (WIS LLC), France (WIS France) and Japan (WIS Japan). Together we develop different products and work every day to break barriers. The companies are run by hearing and deaf people. A major and current problem is the lack of two-way communication between hearing and hearing-impaired people in the everyday life. We developed an innovative interpreter app with a barrier-free emergency call function that can be used by all people and also by all countries in the world in the future. Through this app, hearing people can communicate with deaf people as there is an organized interpreter center in the background who is taking care of the different needs. But this will not be all - we are working strongly with a large network of telemedicine industry, for access to information of emergency response or even speech recognition systems.






Mr. Philip van Houtte, Coordinator EUR AAL project IANVS.
MSc Computer Sciences, graduated Leuven 1981. He has held various positions at Philips Electronics in industrial engineering and product management. From 1983 to 1992 he was in charge for the software development at Philips Hasselt, leading a team of 60+ engineers releasing products such as CD-ROM, CD Recordable, CD-I and digital television networks. From 1992 till 2006 Philip was product manager for digital television network products. From 2009 onwards Philip was solution architect for a set of java-based products and services including Ultra-wide-band technologies, on which the IANVS AAL project is based. Business Generation Expertise: In 2006 he left Philips to acquire a design house headquartered in Beijing, PRC. Philip managed the turn-around of his company and re-focussed it from digital television into location-based services. In 2018 Philip won an 2.6M EUR AAL project IANVS, for which he is the main coordinator.




Mr. Humberto Insolera, Executive Committee, European Disability Forum (EDF).
Humberto Insolera was born from a Deaf family and has studied in various universities (Padova, Bristol, Geneva and Washington D.C.). After his graduating, he attended and delivered various seminars, conferences and workshops in various continents. In 2009, he was Board Member of the European Union of the Deaf (EUD), and since 2013 has been EUD vice-president till 2017. During his time at EUD he has actively participated in European Institutions, such as European Parliament Committee Sessions, European Commission Conference on the European Day of Persons with Disabilities and also in the Council of Europe. From 2013 he has been chairing of the Accessibility Working Group. Dr Humberto Insolera was a Consultant on foreign affairs of the Ente Nazionale Sordi (ENS), Lecturer of Deaf Studies, and independent consultant.
He was a Member of the Expert Group on Human Rights for the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD). In addition to this, he has been an Italian Youth Committee Member and coordinated the first and second Italian Deaf academic conference for deaf, deaf blind and hard of hearing delegates in 2011 and 2016. He also participated in the UN CRPD Ad Hoc Committee meetings in New York and was involved in the implementation and monitoring processes of the UN CRPD both in Italy and at a European level via EUD. In May 2017 he has been elected in EDF Board of Directors and EDF Executive committee. He is chairman of the EDF’s ICT email expert group, EDF Human Rights and Non-Discrimination Committee member, and EDF Youth Committee substitute.

Ms. Akiko Ito, Chief of Programme on Disability, Secretariat for the Conference of States Parties to the CRPD, UNDESA/DISD
for more than 25 years, building on intellectual and political resources as well as expert and advocacy networks that enabled the adoption of an international convention on disability and the inclusion of the rights and the disability perspectives in the global agenda, most recently in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. With the legal background and three decades of experiences in international law, international human rights law, international organization, gender equality and empowerment of women and disability rights and inclusion of the disadvantaged groups in the global development agenda, I have built extensive networks of policy-makers, government officials, United Nations offices, civil society organizations, in particular organizations of disabled persons, academic institutions as well as the private sector.


Ms. Rita Jacinto, Program Manager, Division for the Pedestrian Accessibility, Lisbon Municipality, Portugal
Rita is a Program Manager at the Division for Pedestrian Accessibility, Lisbon City Council, Portugal. Working for the City since 2016, Rita has collaborated on a variety of projects and public policy initiatives, namely FLOW (CIVITAS H2020) - improving pedestrian mobility; Open Home (Casa Aberta) - tackling housing accessibility conditions for older and disabled people, and Gender&Mobility – safety of women in public transport and public space. Rita has also recently joined the VoxPop Lisbon project (UIA), working on how to use digital data and technology to improve disabled people mobility experiences and opportunities. With a degree in Ergonomics (Lisbon University), Rita undertook an MSc in Human Factors for Inclusive Design at Loughborough University, UK. After living in London for some years, working and studying in the field of Urban Studies, Rita moved back to her home town to work on the cities’ challenges on accessibility, public space and social justice. Her last training course focused on Collaborative Participation (ISCTE, Lisbon University).



Ms. Andrius Kantakevicius, Product Evangelist, Claro Software
Claro Software was founded by entrepreneur Dave Stevens and assistive technology expert Professor Paul Blenkhorn in 2004. From 2018 has been owned by leading Norwegian assistive technology company, Lingit AS. Lingit are spelling and linguistic experts and their technology complements Claro Software’s strengths. We are experts in speech synthesis, word prediction, spellchecking and switch access, and combine them to make innovative, easy-to-use products on Microsoft Windows, Apple Mac, Google Chromebook, iPad and iPhone, Android, and on the Web. Our mission is to enable people with disabilities to achieve their potential in education, personal life and the workplace through the use of innovate, easy-to-use assistive technology software. Our founders gave a legacy of being honest and polite and being passionate about technology and people with disabilities.


Ms. Monika Klenovec, DI, Architect & Lecturer TU Vienna on Design for All/Universal Design; Access Consultants, Austria
After several years working as a certified architect on different projects she started a new professional career as a standardisation manager for 15 years within Austrian Standards Institute (ASI) responsible for general horizontal building construction standards (including also building physics, fire safety etc.) in national, European and international standardisation. During these years she was more and more involved in accessibility in the built environment and in the design for all concept and in 1996 she was invited for lecture at TU Vienna / Architectural department on Design for all.  From 2007 to 2011 she chaired NGO Committee on Ageing at UN Vienna which widens her view on the challenges and needs of elderly people in an ageing society.  From 2003 on she started as independent certified Access Consultant to work on projects on tourism facilities, schools, offices, residential buildings and on accessible villages to implement accessibility. Since 2003 she has been delegated by the Austrian Consumer Council as standardisation expert in Austrian standardisation committees related accessible buildings and building construction, also delegated to ANEC (European Voice of Consumers in standardization) “WG Accessibility”. In 2006 she founded and was chairperson until 2014 of the association “design for all”/Austria (, recently acting as ambassador. She participated actively from 2003 until today as a member in UIA (Union Internationale des architects) WP “Architecture for all”, Region 1, also as jury member in the 1st and 2nd UIA Award on “Friendly Spaces accessible to all” raising more awareness on accessibility among architects.  For Austrian standards she developed a training course in 3 modules for certified accessibility experts in the built environment starting 2011 and running until today. She participated in the 10 years development of ISO 21542, first published in 2011 and in the recent revision. From the European Commission she was invited to participate in different projects, such as “Build-for-All, Living-All, Stand4All” and as jury member at the “EU Access City Award”, and in “World Architecture Festival”. As Project Team Leader in Mandate M/420 “Accessibility in public procurement in the built environment” in Phase I and continuing in Phase II since 2016 she elaborated with the PT of 5 European accessibility experts the recently published EN 17210 Accessibility and usability of the built environment - Functional requirements, and FprCEN/TR 17621 with Technical criteria and specifications and FprCEN/TR 17622 with Conformity assessment to fulfil the functional requirements in EN 17210 (under Approval vote).   

Ms. Sabine Lobnig, Director of Communications, Mobile and Wireless Forum
Sabine Lobnig is the Director of Communications at the Mobile & Wireless Forum (MWF), an international association of telecommunications equipment manufacturers with an interest in mobile or wireless communications. She has a background in linguistics (including sign language and braille) and focuses on informing consumers about accessibility of mobile devices and expanding the Global Accessibility Reporting Initiative (GARI, You find more information about Sabine at:







Dr. László Lovászy, PhD, Senior research fellow at University of Public Service, Budapest and Former expert to UNCRPD Committee (2013-2021)
He received his law degree in 2000 and earned his Ph.D. title (2007) in the field of labor law, international law and social policy. He worked for the ministries of social and labor affairs between 2001 and 2009 in Hungary. He was the first hard of hearing scientific policy advisor to a member of the European Parliament between 2009-2018. He was elected at the UN General Assembly as an expert to the United Nations' Committee of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD Committee) in 2012, and was re-elected in 2016. He took part in more than 80 constructive dialogues and was appointed as country rapporteur for a number of countries. He has been working as a ministerial commissioner on supporting strategic governmental research since 2018. He is also a senior research fellow of the Faculty of International Relations and Diplomacy at the University of Public Service (UPS) in Budapest and an associate senior research fellow at Social Futuring Center (SFC) at Corvinus University of Budapest. He has more than 170 publications, the most recent and relevant article on disability in English was published at IEEE Technology and Society ‘What if My Disability Will not be Relevant in the Future?’.



Mr. Fernando Machicado, Architect and Secretary of CEN-CENELEC-ETSI Joint Working Group on eAccessibility
Mr. Machicado is in charge of Stakeholder Engagement at UNE, the Spanish Association for Standardisation. As part of my work with key stakeholders, he coordinates the Accessibility Standardisation Programmes of UNE. He has managed the drafting of the 1st International and European standards on the accessibility of the built environment (ISO 21542:2011 and EN 17210:2021, EC Mandate M/420), as Secretary of ISO/TC 59/SC 16 (2010-2019) and of CEN-CENELEC JTC 11 (from 2015). As Secretary of the CEN-CENELEC-ETSI Joint Working Group on eAccessibility (from 2013), he has been involved in the management of the works of the 1st European Standard on the accessibility of ICT products and services, EN 301 549, drafted under EC Mandates M/376 and M/554. He has also participated on R&I projects related to Active and Healthy Ageing (PROEIPAHA, PROGRESSIVE).





Mr. João Cadete de Matos, Chairman of the Board, ANACOM, Portugal.      
Chairman of the Board of Directors of Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações(ANACOM), the national regulatory authority for communications in Portugal, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Portuguese Communications Foundation. Member of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC). Served as Chairman of the European Group for Postal Services (ERGP) in 2019, and as Vice-Chairman in 2020 and 2021. Is the Chairman of the Euro-Mediterranean Regulators Group (EMERG) in 2021. Until August 2017: Director of Statistics of the Portuguese central bank and Invited Professor at NOVA Information Management School of Universidade Nova de Lisboa.  







Ms. Ljupka Mihajlovska, Chairwoman of the Serbian Alliance for Accessibility, Serbia
Ljupka Mihajlovska graduated from the Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, Department of Library and Information Science. She started her career in the non-governmental organization, first as an activist, and then as the director of the Association of Students with Disabilities, after which she became the director of the Center for Students with Disabilities at the University of Belgrade, where she still works today. She has written and implemented numerous projects related to the improvement of the position of persons with disabilities. She has participated as a speaker in several dozen international and domestic conferences concerning human rights and civic activism. In 2016 she was elected as a Member of Parliament in the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia, and she was the head of the Working Group for Improving Accessibility established by the Government of the Republic of Serbia. She has delivered a large number of training sessions for young people and university staff. During the COVID 19 crises, together with her colleagues, she founded Serbian Alliance for Accessibility aiming to raise awareness about the lack of accessibility in Serbia.

Mr. Bengt G Mölleryd, Expert, Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC)
Bengt G Mölleryd is a senior analyst at the Swedish Post and Telecom Agency (PTS) working with economic analysis and issues around digital transformation. He is also designated chair for the Working Party on Communications Infrastructure and Services Policy (WPCISP) at the OECD, and a guest researcher at Wireless@KTH (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm).



Ms. Catherine Naughton – Director, European Disability Forum (EDF).
Catherine Naughton is the Director of the European Disability Forum (EDF), a unique platform which brings together representative organisation of persons with disabilities from across Europe. She is also the Vice President of the Social Platform. Social Platform is the largest network of European rights- and value-based civil society organisations working in the social sector. Catherine has an academic background in public health, and 25 years of experience in the field of disability- with a particular focus on inclusive development: the rights of persons with disabilities in low and middle income countries. She has worked in many countries, and at the EU and International level in promoting the inclusion of person with disabilities in mainstream development and humanitarian programmes.

Ms. Amela Odobašić, Director of the Broadcasting at Communications Regulatory Agency of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Vice-Chair of ITU-D Study Group 1
Ms. Amela Odobašić is Director of Broadcasting of Communications Regulatory Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Besides, Ms. Odobasic is Vice-Chair to Study Group 1 for Europe and Rapporteur for the Study Group 1 Question 7, “Access to telecommunications/ICT Services by persons with disabilities and other persons with specific needs,” for the mandate 2018-2021. She is a fervent advocate for promoting and protecting fundamental human rights and believes that digital and social inclusion should be ensured not only for persons with disabilities but for All.






Ms. Tania MARCOS PARAMIO, Vice-Chair of the UN initiative ‘United for Smart Sustainable Cities’ (U4SSC)
Tania is Head of Smart Sustainable Cities at the Spanish Association for Standardization (UNE), where smart cities/ smart tourism destinations are to be Accessibility, also taking advantage of ICT. She is Vice-chair of ITU-T Study Group 20 on Internet of things (IoT) and smart cities and communities (SC&C), on behalf of the Spanish Secretary of State for Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructure, within the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation. For more than a decade was responsible for promoting accessibility in all Standardization fields, breaking from traditional focus on assistive technologies and expanding to include requirements for Universal Accessibility and Design for All in any product or service, fostering equal opportunities and dignity, contributing to an inclusive society that cares for quality of life of all citizens, their independent living and active ageing (by cooperating with W3C/WAI, EDF, CEAPAT-Imserso for WHO Global Network for Age-friendly Cities and Communities, etc. in ITU, ISO, IEC, CEN, CENELEC and ETSI).

Ms. Katarina Pavšek, CEO & Founder of Feelif
Katarina Pavšek is a civil engineer and architect by profession. After working in her field for 10 years, Željko Khermayer, the innovator and CEO of Feelif invited her to become part of the team. This was a completely new field for her, but she was instantly fascinated by it. Her previous experience and the knowledge she gained in her profession and many years of experience in music, fine arts, and writing skills helped her with applications to contests and with the promotion of Feelif in the world. Together with the rest of the team, she participated in the transformation of the prototype into a Feelif product. Today, she is a Content Designer and in charge of PR at Feelif. She is also actively involved in the development of the Feelif device with the aim to make Feelif even more helpful to the blind and visually impaired.








Ms. Inmaculada Placencia Porrero, Senior Expert in Disability and Inclusion at Directorate-General Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission.
Her unit is responsible for the coordination of European policies for persons with disabilities. She works on European disability policies including the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020, and the EU implementation of the UNCRPD. Inmaculada holds a degree in Physics and Computer Science and worked in research and development before joining The European Commission in 1991. She has worked on research programmes addressing accessibility as well as assistive technologies and was Deputy Head of Unit for various disability-related units in the Commission. Her work in the "e-Inclusion" unit of the Directorate-General for Information Society and Media addressed accessibility policy. While at the Directorate-General for Justice she contributed to disability-related antidiscrimination legislation. She was responsible for the Task Force for the preparation of the European Accessibility Act and remains responsible since its adoption in 2015. Currently under the Directorate General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, she  is also working on the preparation of the post 2020 European Disability Strategy.





Mr. Federico Batista Poitier is the Accessibility Policy Officer at the United Cities and Local Governments and an international policy expert and advisor on the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities; particularly in the context of urban development and the frameworks of the Sustainable Development Goals and the New Urban Agenda. His background is in International Development with a focus on International, Regional and National Disability Policy; International Human Rights Law, Education, Grassroots & Community Development, Gender Equality and Human Rights Advocacy. His professional and educational experience span various regions including, Southern Africa, Europe, Asia, North & South America and the Middle East.




Mr. Jaroslaw K. Ponder, Head of the Office for Europe, International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Mr. Ponder represents the ITU in Europe by directing actions, projects, initiatives and expert groups targeting 46 countries of the Europe Region. His portfolio includes set of Regional Initiatives for Europe, designed by the European Member States and focusing on the ICT Infrastructure, Digitization, Digital Inclusion, Accessibility, Innovation and Cybersecurity. Along the professional career, Mr. Ponder held official positions in the public sector and was a contributor to the legislative projects having the impact on the public policy. Since 2014 Mr. Ponder has been working for ITU holding diverse positions in the General Secretariat, Telecommunication Development Bureau, and Regional Presence, addressing complexity of information society development and digital transformation at national, regional, international level, including United Nations level. For several years he has managed ITU’s work on the United Nations World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) process, leading towards the establishment of the annual WSIS Forum, WSIS Prizes, WSIS Stocktaking, others.



Ms. Marta Presmanes, Project Manager, European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education
Marta Presmanes is Project Officer with the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education since June 2019. She supports the Agency on the analysis of the EU institutions and International Organisations inclusive education policies, legislation and implementing initiatives. Previously, she worked for the European Commission in the project management of EU countries’ structural reforms in education and international cooperation programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa. She has a Master’s in Economics from KU Leuven, Belgium and a Bachelor’s in Economics from Madrid-Autónoma, Spain.



Mr. Arturo Montejo-Ráez, Chief Technological Officer, Pictogram.
Ráez is an assistant professor at the University of Jaén (Spain), in the Department of Computing. He initiated his research activity at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN) in Geneva (Switzerland), dealing with the automatic classification of High Energy Physics research papers more than 15 years ago. Since then, he has actively contributed to the advancement of Natural Language Processing methods and techniques, a relevant area in Artificial Intelligence. He has a hundred of publications in indexed journals and conferences and continues the research activity in topics ranging from Semantic Web to Natural Language Understanding and Deep Learning. As a professor, he teaches on modern web technologies and, five years ago, created with his colleagues, the startup Yottacode S.L., devoted to the development of non-invasive and effective solutions to language disorders. He is its Chief Technological Officer.



Ms. Zuzanna Raszkowska, Deputy Director at the European Affairs and International Cooperation Department, Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy in Poland.
Ms. Zuzanna Raszkowska leads the team responsible for Implementing the European Accessibility Act into Polish law. From the beginning of her professional career, she has engaged in the work in the public service in the field of international cooperation, first in the regional self-government, and then in the government central administration. Interested in European relations and EU legislation. In 2011 member of the team of Polish Presidency in the EU Council. Afterwards responsible in her home ministry for the coordination of the EU decision-making process in the field of transport and regional and cohesion policy. One of the most important experiences was direct participation as a national delegate in the European Accessibility Act negotiations – the EU directive that aims to improve the functioning of the internal market for accessible products and services (also digital services) and avoid social exclusion caused by the inaccessibility of such products and services. Currently working on implementing this act into Polish law. A graduate of European Studies at the Faculty of Law and Administration of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, postgraduate studies in foreign policy, EU project management, as well as a one-year transnational law program at the University of Geneva in Switzerland.


Ms. Stacy Scott, Bookshare and Strategic Publisher Relationships Manager, RNIB Bookshare, Royal National Institute of Blind People .
In my professional and voluntary roles, I undertake substantial work advocating for access to inclusion and equality in education for those with sight loss and other print disabilities, at both a national and international level. My work centres around working with stakeholders, publishers and content producers, to ensure that those with disabilities have equal and unhindered access to the content they need, be it for education, work or leisure. I currently lead the RNIB Bookshare UK Education Collection service which provides accessible, digital educational materials to learners with print disabilities; working directly with over 1,100 publishing partners; providing a growing collection of near 700,000 titles in accessible formats. In addition I manage all publisher relationships across the RNIB library and Reading Services platforms, enhancing the collections to provide audiobooks in a variety of accessible formats. I am passionate about ensuring that those with different needs are afforded the same access and opportunities as all other members of society. I serve on various boards and committees, including the UK Parliament as part of its Regional Stakeholder Network, in which I campaign to MPs for policies that will address the needs of people with disabilities, to bring about effective and lasting change. I am also delighted to bring my knowledge and personal and professional experience as Chair of the Accessibility Action Group for the Publishers Association UK. As a person who is blind, completed a degree in Mathematics and developed a successful career, I am well aware of the challenges disabled people face, particularly when it comes to equal access to education. However, I have also seen much positive change and the benefits that key developments have brought. I am forever dedicated to advocating for these positive developments, ensuring that every person with a need has an equal voice in society and this passion has been key in steering my career.

Dr. John M. Scott, Product Manager of Blackboard Ally, Blackboard
Dr. John M. Scott is a Product Manager for Blackboard Ally, and directs Ally research efforts and thought leadership around inclusive education. He has authored over 40 research papers and case studies documenting accessibility strategies and trends from higher education institutions around the world. Prior to joining the Blackboard Ally team, John completed his PhD in Learning Sciences and New Media at the University of California Berkeley, where he designed and researched digital learning tools, networked learning, and digital literacy. His research has been published in peer-reviewed journals and presented internationally at professional conferences. John also holds a Master’s Degree in Special Education, and spent 4 years as a public school teacher in New York City, where he developed innovative approaches to teaching with digital technologies



Mr. Stefan Schürz, Research Officer at LIFEtool.
Stefan Schürz, chief research officer at LIFEtool has a background in medical engineering and project management and worked in several national and international R&D projects as an interface between development and end users. He is mainly responsible for identifying end user requirements, the conception and optimisation of user interfaces, the application of the user-centred design process and its characteristic methods as well as for the planning, implementation and documentation of usability tests and pilot evaluations. Moreover, he is in charge for all activities related to the management of R&D projects in the field of Assistive Technology and Active Assisted Living including resource planning, controlling, reporting as well as the initiation, development and submission of project proposals. Together with his team he wants to generate the best possible results from innovative R&D projects for people with disabilities and people in 3rd age, thereby making a positive contribution to society.


Ms. Sara A Smolley, Co-Founder of Voiceitt.
Smolley is the co-founder and head of partnerships at Voiceitt, an Israel based startup that has developed a unique speech recognition technology to help people with disabilities live more independently. Sara's academic background and her growing career in impactful technologies have been driven by her passion for combining high-ambition entrepreneurship with positive social impact. Having grown up in South Florida, she moved to Israel after spending five years in Asia - at a biotechnology startup in Hong Kong; and in various corporate and startup environments in Seoul, South Korea, where she also completed a Global MBA. Sara holds an Economics degree from Barnard College at Columbia University in New York City, where she co-founded the Columbia Chapter of Net Impact, the international nonprofit which strives to orient business principles toward sustainable social goals. Sara now leads Voiceitt's business development, grant writing, and strategic partnerships.

Ms. Helene Sudermann, Executive Assistant, World in Sign EU GmbH.
Helene Sudermann is 27 years old and lives in Potsdam. She started her career in the city of film in Babelsberg, where she did an apprenticeship as an event manager and discovered her passion for unique film and event concepts relatively quickly. After her apprenticeship, she stayed 3 years on as a junior project manager for national and international business events, creating large-scale B2B events with her clients. When she co-organized the biggest event of the deaf scene in the film city, she left the film world behind and started studying to become a sign language interpreter in Berlin. But she wanted to learn more than the language and so she has been involved in a deaf association and the company World in Sign ever since, fighting together every day for the rights and equality, inclusion and accessibility for people with a hearing impairment.





Ms. Amanda Watkins, Assistant Director, European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education.
Amanda Watkins (United Kingdom) is Assistant Director with the European Agency for Special Needs and Inclusive Education. She is responsible for a number of European level activities and co-ordinates Agency activities focussing upon topics such as country policy review and analysis and the European Agency statistical data collection. She also leads on a number of activities providing direct support for countries on developing their policy frameworks for inclusive education. She has a PhD in Education; MA in Education and BEd in Special Education. She has published widely at European and international levels.




Mr. Mark Wheatley, Executive Director, European Union of the Deaf (EUD)
Mr. Mark Wheatley has operated as the Executive Director of the European Union of the Deaf (EUD) since 2007. Under his leadership, EUD has grown to be a more visible organisation, both in terms of its external (social) media coverage and its internal member communication. He is co-author of the EUD book “Sign Language Legislation in the European Union”. He has been a member of the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) Expert Group on Human Rights. Furthermore, he was involved as an expert in the World Health Organisation and World Bank World Report on Disability to ensure that sign language users were adequately included both in terms of terminology and accuracy of information. He also contributed to various academic publications on the topic of sign language and technological development as an enabler of deaf rights.




Ms. Roxana Widmer-Iliescu, Senior Coordinator - Digital Inclusion, Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU
Ms. Roxana Widmer-Iliescu has been working for over 22 years in the Development Sector of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) contributing through her work in achieving the overarching goal of Digital Inclusion, by promoting all people empowerment through ICTs, regardless of age, gender, ability or location. In her capacity as ITU-D Focal Point for ICT accessibility, she advises the ITU members on developing ICT accessibility policies and on implementing related strategies and lead development of several ITU-D key resources in ICT accessibility aiming at supporting the global efforts in building a digitally inclusive society and ensuring that no one is left behind in the digital age.

Ms. Marina Van Zeller, Vice President, National Institute for Rehabilitation, Portugal.
Ms. Marina Van Zeller holds a Degree in Business and Management Administration (Católica Lisbon Business & Economics) and a Master degree in Marketing Services at IADE- Creative University (Laureate International Universities). Since January 2014, she is the Vice-President of the National Institute for Rehabilitation.  The National Institute of Rehabilitation, I.P. is within the Ministry of Labor, Solidarity and Social Security and has the mission to ensure the planning, execution and coordination of national policies that promote the rights of persons with disabilities. From November 2010 to December 2013, she served as President of the Portuguese Association of Celiac Disease (nonprofit association) on a voluntary basis. From November 2010 to December 2013, she was President of the Portuguese Association of Celiac Disease (nonprofit association) on a voluntary basis.