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National Workshop for Albania: Frequency Planning for DVB-T2 in the remaining UHF Band


The workshop was jointly organized by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Energy of the Republic of Albania and the Office for Europe of the International Telecommunication Union. It was supported by the Audiovisual Media Authority (AMA) and the Electronic and Postal Communications Authority (AKEP) of the Republic of Albania, as well as the National Media and Infocommunications Authority (NMHH) of Hungary.​

This workshop was organized in the context of the ITU technical assistance to Albania on frequency planning, held within the framework of the ITU Regional Initiative for Europe on "Broadband infrastructure, broadcasting and spectrum management". It was aimed at raising awareness at the national level with regards to the importance of coordinated and detailed frequency planning. It showcased the work undertaken over the past 6 months to elaborate a frequency plan for Albania aimed at freeing up of DD2 in line with the Radio Regulations agreed at WRC-19.

Beyond providing an overview of the plan and its relevance for the country, the workshop also addressed the perspective of different stakeholders involved in the elaboration process at the national level, including AMA, MIE, and AKEP, which discussed how the plan would enable progress in the respective areas of competence and mark a step forward from the previous status quo.

The workshop also featured the supporting agency in the technical assistance project, NMHH of Hungary, which provided further recommendations and key areas of focus for the future. Finally, participants also benefited of the intervention of the ITU on the wider WRC process and developments affecting frequency planning and coordination.

The workshop was targeted at all interested stakeholders at the country level, representatives of industry, and academia, who dedicated space to intervene with questions and comments.