Committed to connecting the world


​Session 1: Meaningful youth engagement – European Year of Youth.
Mr. Ivan Martinovic

Ivan Martinovic was born and raised in Cetinje-Montenegro. He completed BSc and MSc studies in Electrical engineering at the University of Montenegro as one of the best students. Currently, he is a Phd student at the University of Montenegro and his research area is Application of artificial intelligence in medicine. As a fellow of Montenegrin Ministry of Science he is conducting his research in cooperation with the University of Toronto, the University of Pittsburgh, Ericsson Nikola Tesla Zagreb, Clinical Center of Montenegro and company Glosarij d.o.o. Also, he is a member of national and multinational organisations including PRONA- Montenegrin Science Promotion Foundation and the British Council . He is the author of several scientific papers. 


Ms. Veronica Piccolo, Chair – Internet Society Youth Standing Group (Youth SG)

Veronica is a Doctor of Law and, currently, a Ph.D. candidate with a research focus on AI and antitrust.
Veronica has been active in the IG ecosystem at the global level since 2020 when she started her journey as an ISOC IGF Youth Ambassador and then continued as a NextGen@ICANN71 and YOUthDIG participant in 2021.
Currently, Veronica serves as Chair of the ISOC Youth Standing Group (Youth SG), the special interest group for young people of the Internet Society which counts more than 2500 members globally, and as Vice-president for research at the #DearGovernment Organisation, a Youth-led informal body which advocates for an open, trusted and non-manipulable Internet by addressing the impropriety of Governments’ power about Internet Regulations.
In Europe, Veronica is active as a member of the 2022 YOUthDIG organizing committee, the Youth IGF Italy and the Internet Society (ISOC) Italy Chapter.
She is an artificial intelligence enthusiast, with a profound interest in legal and ethical facets related to the use of algorithms for political micro-targeting, demand manipulation and price-fixing cartels.
Ms. Luísa Franco Machado

Luísa is a young leader advocating for responsible policymaking in the digital era. Having both a European and Latin American background, she is an international youth advocate and a researcher at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and Sciences Po Paris. She is also a fellow at the Youth Dialogue on Internet Governance (YOUthDIG). Luísa has been previously elected the president of the Brazilian Youth Parliament, and her message highlighting the need of an inclusive political sphere, digital and analog, has been shared at the National Chamber of Deputies and broadcasted nation-wide. She has previously assisted the French Government with including the youth in government policies, as well as the National Development Bank of Colombia (FINDETER) with building gender-sensitive development projects. She has worked at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), OECD.AI, and the Organization of American States (OAS).”
​​Aleksandar Karatosho 

Aleksandar Karatosho has extensive experience in the civil society sector for the last 10 years, as part of multiple local and international organizations through which he participated in more than 90 programs of various kinds and organizing numerous events, workshops & projects. In the past, he has been a long-term scholar of the German political think tank foundation Konrad Adenauer, an ambassador of European Student Think Tank a member of the Presidency of the Student Parliament at the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius, as well as been the first Macedonian semi-finalist on the European Social Innovation Competition organized by the European Commission.
Currently, Aleksandar is one of the Young European Ambassadors from the Western Balkans as part of a program of DG NEAR, but also a member of Global Shapers Skopje Hub, European Democracy Youth Network (EDYN) and the Euro-Atlantic Council of Macedonia. Additionally, Aleksandar is a co-founder and president of the non-profit civil society organization Youth Empowerment Association – YEA, focused on developing the capacities of the young people on various topics and the director of the Karatosho Foundation, which is working on active citizenship, environmental protection and cultural heritage.
Session 2: Youth voices in quality education towards a digital future
​Ms. Sabrina Vorbau, Project Manager at European Schoolnet 

 is Project Manager at European Schoolnet and has been a member of its Digital Citizenship Team since 2014. She is managing a set of European Commission (EC) funded projects in the area of online safety and media literacy, such as CO:RE – Children Online: Research and EvidenceKID_ACTIONSSELMA and Facts4All – Schools as community hubs against disinformation.

In addition, Sabrina coordinates the youth activities and annual Pan-European Youth Panel as part of the Better Internet for Kids (BIK) project. 

​As part of her work in the Digital Citizenship Team, Sabrina also represents the Team in expert meetings and international conferences in the field of children's rights and internet governance.

Originally, from Germany, Sabrina holds a Master's degree in Applied Economic Sciences: Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Antwerp. Prior to joining EUN, she worked at the European Agency for Fundamental Rights in Vienna.​

Ms. Lella Violet Halloum​​

Lella is British Lebanese, 17 years old and advocates to ensure that no decision about the digital generation is made without her generation. She was named the youngest EVER IBM Z Champion in the programme's history for her efforts to demystify the tech industry by uniting thousands of young technologists globally to use technology as a catalyst to achieve social good. Through her work, Lella diversifies the industry by creating more opportunities for young people, particularly underserved & underrepresented communities, highlighting the important role young people play in tech and wider society. As an IBM Z Champion, and Student Senator, Lella is a frequent UN & IBM speaker, thought leader, and advocate for young people, bringing her personal mission to life by engaging thousands of students globally in creating online opportunities that are entirely for, with and by youth. Her efforts have been recognized through receiving the Diana Award & as a finalist in the Women of the Future Young Star category & as a Northern Power Women 'One to Watch'.

​Mr. Daniel Kalemi 

Daniel is a Machine Learning Researcher at Squishy Robotics, working on ways to detect Wildfires and Methane Leaks in the state of California. He is also a member of the Berkeley AI Research Lab, focusing on AI Policy and disaster response in developing regions. Recently, Daniel is co-leading a health-tech initiative to improve access to the diagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy, through Machine Learning. 

Daniel Kalemi is a Generation Connect - Europe Youth Group (GC-EUR) member at ITU and has served as co-organizer of the Albanian Youth Internet Governance Forum, as well as a tech mentor at the South-Eastern European Dialogue on Internet Governance (SEEDIG). 

Daniel is originally from Albania, born and raised in Greece. He holds a dual Bachelor's in Computer Science from the American College of Thessaloniki (Greece) and the Open University (UK) and is currently a Master of Development Engineering candidate in AI & Data Analytics at the University of California Berkeley (USA).

​​Session 3: Youth actions towards gender equality and young woman empowerment in ICTs.
Ms. Mauricia Abdol Tshilunda 

​Mauricia is the CEO of Data Works Communications (DWC), a consultancy enterprise in the Education sector. She uses her background in Communication, Gender Studies and Psychology to develop life enhancing programs for marginalized communities through various ICT solutions. DWC is a proud Global Youth and EducationUSA advising center supporting youth and young professionals to study and work in the United States of America. As a focused CSI innitiative, DWC addresses the UN-SDG 5 namely gender equality by elevating the voices of African women and girl youths in technology through its subsidiary NPO, the ElevateHER Africa Network. ​
​​Ms. Priya Burci​

Priya is currently the COO of AIME, a mental health startup that offers customized guidance programs with the goal of helping people find what techniques work best for them and build a sustainable routine. She was previously the CEO of Powercoders International, an award winning social startup that runs coding courses and tech job placements for refugees. In her role, she launched Powercoders in Turkey, Italy and Spain and achieved a 90% graduate placement rate, making it one of the most successful refugee coding schools in Europe.

Ms. Lady Marieme Jamme

Lady Mariéme Jamme is a Senegalese-born, French-British businesswoman with more than two decades of business experience in technology and system change. Her global speeches on humanity and responsibility towards marginalized young girls have received several accolades.

As a pioneer in System Change and Technology who supports Global Businesses with their DEI and sustainability policies, she's best renowned for her motivational & inspirational speeches about girls' education through Coding and STEAMD (Science, technology, engineering, mathematics, arts, and design) and empowerment of youth living in marginalized and deprived communities. She experienced considerable hardship during her childhood.

She is an award-winning Technologist and a Young Global Leader of the World Economic Forum. In September 2017, she won the Innovation Award at the Global Goals Award by Bill and Melinda Gates and UNICEF as a Goalkeeper to advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals by supporting girls and young women globally-businesses and governments.

Lady Mariéme has travelled extensively into refugee camps to empower, enable and teach  young girls how to code in partnership with UNHCR and the United Nations agencies. Lady Marieme's latest venture includes the launch of - the first African-led global movement to mobilize government, the private sector, and philanthropic foundations to advance STEAMD (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics and Design) Education. Hergoal is to empower and enable 1 million girls and young women globally to become coders by2030 and align with the UN 2030 Agenda.

Apolitical recently nominated Lady Mariéme as the World's 100 most influential people in Digital Government. As a nominee of one of the BBC's Top 100 Women, she was named twice on the UK Powerlist in 2017 and 2018 for Britain's 100 most influential African and African Caribbean heritage people. Often called the diplomat of technology, Lady Mariéme was also named twice in 2014 and 2016 as one of the 100 most influential Africans by the African Business Magazine. In 2018 Lady Mariéme became a founding member of the Future Talks Expedition, whichgathered 100 global leaders from 42 countries to visit the Arctic's the North Pole. She is the first Senegalese woman who made it to Antarctica. Lady Mariéme became a judge of The Good Business Festival BeautyTech for Good Challenge for L'Oreal UK and Ireland. Jamme has been featured by CNN, BBC, New African Magazine and Forbes.

Lady Mariéme is on the Board of Directorship of the World Wide Web Foundation (Foundedby Sir Tim Berners-Lee) and the ITU Generation Connect Visionaries Board. She's currently writing her first book to tell her story. The book will be a memoir of her painful journey. All proceeds will go to the iamtheCODE Foundation and for Girls education in Africa.​​​
