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ITU-EKIP Regional Regulatory Forum for Europe 2024


The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Office for Europe and the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services of Montenegro (EKIP) are pleased to announce the ITU-EKIP Regional Regulatory Forum for Europe 2024. This year's forum will focus on "Vision for Connectivity: Innovating the Future of Telecom Regulation and Security." The event will be held in Budva, Montenegro, from 23 – 24 September 2024.​

The Forum will build upon the outcomes of the Global Symposium for Regulators 2024 and its Best Practice Guidelines​. The event will be held within the framework of the ITU Regional Initiative for Europe on Digital Infrastructure Development, aiming to facilitate the attainment of Gigabit connectivity through resilient and synergistic infrastructure development, and an enabling environment for universal coverage. It will provide a unique opportunity for high-level dialogue among stakeholders on strategies and policies directed towards broadband development in the region. It will also address the challenges and opportunities offered by resilient high-speed networks and the need for collaborative regulatory actions. 

This event also provides an opportunity to establish specific actions to support countries in regulatory matters. It will specifically address the following aspects:

Draft Agenda

Time zone: CEST (UTC+2)​

Sunday 22 September 2024 ​​ ​

[18:30-19:30] Registration
[20:30-23:30] Cocktail reception

Monday 23 September 2024 ​

[9:00 – 10:00] ​Registration
[10:00 – 11:00] High-level Opening Segment
[11:00– 11:30] Group Photo and Coffee Break
[11:30 – 13:00]



Session 1: Shaping the Future: Regulatory Strategies for Emerging Telecom Technologies
[13:00 – 14:00] Lunch
[14:00 – 15:30]



Session 2:  Empowering Consumers: Enhancing Quality and Rights in Telecom Services
[14:00 – 15:30]
[15:30 – 16:00] Coffee Break
[16:00 – 17:30]



Session 3: Expanding Horizons: Trends and Developments in Digital Infrastructure
[16:00 – 17:30]
[20:30 – 23:30] Gala Dinner

Tuesday 24 September 2024 ​

[9:00 – 10:30]  Session 4: Investing in Connectivity: Public-Private Partnerships and Submarine Cables
[10:30 – 11:00] Coffee Break
[11:00 – 12:20]​ ​Session 5: Fortifying Telecom: Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Disaster Resilience
[12:20 – 12:30] Closing Ceremony
[14:00] Departure
[15:00 – 21:00] Closing Activity