Committed to connecting the world

Accessible Europe Initiative

In Europe, digital accessibility is among the main priorities of the region. Through its regional initiative for Europe on “Accessibility, affordability and skills development for all to ensure digital inclusion and sustainable development", the ITU Office for Europe has been actively collaborated with partner organizations to foster enabling environment, ensuring accessible ICTs for persons with disabilities and inclusive digital society in the region. The Accessible Europe Initiative continues to engage all countries and stakeholders across Europe through regional events, policy guidance and direct assistance, capacity building programs, and regional competitions to identify innovative accessible solutions.

Annual ITU-EC Forum on Accessible Europe: ICTs 4 ALL​​

The Accessible Europe forum has reached its 3rd edition, with the 2021 edition being hosted by the Government of Portugal and conducted as part of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union. The forum focused on further promoting ICT accessibility in countries and institutions through the collective effort and cooperation of stakeholders and sharing successful outcomes of projects and initiatives. The event highlighted the relevance of joining efforts to remove barriers and enable human development and social inclusion of persons with disabilities and other groups of people with specific needs through cooperation, programmes and projects development, generating partnerships, and training.

More information on the past edition of Accessible Europe:

Regional Competition: Innovative Digital Solutions for Accessible Europe

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Held as an integral part of the Accessible Europe forum, ITU has held the third edition of the Regional Competition for Innovative Digital Solutions for Accessible Europe. The competition sought solutions from individuals and teams across the private, public, non-profit and academic sectors that addressed the needs of persons with vision, hearing, speech, cognitive and physical disabilities. In particular, the competition expected new concepts of digital applications or interfaces designed to remove barriers, helping PwDs live a more independent life, participate in cultural events or political processes, benefit from education or entertainment, or obtain a job. As a result of the Call for Competition this year, ITU received 97 submissions from 29 different countries in the region.

Visit: Regional Competition for Accessible Europe 2021 website.​

Policy guide and technical assessment

 Regional level

The ITU Office for Europe has been carrying out a regional assessment of enabling environments ensuring accessible telecommunications and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) for Persons with Disabilities in the Europe Region consisting of 46 countries. The review is designed to provide ITU members and stakeholders from the European region with a holistic vision regarding the current implementation status on ICT accessibility laws, regulations, policies and strategies.

Download the report:

Country level

The COVID-19 pandemic made it all the more evident that the ICT must be accessible and, to achieve this goal, Governments shall include ICT accessibility considerations in their laws, policies, regulations, strategies, and standards as the key enabler to guarantee equal and equitable access to public information and services. In this context, ITU provided technical assessments on Digital Accessibility Policies at the national level.

Country engaged:

Building a supportive innovation ecosystem in Europe: Curation Programme for Accessible Europe Innovators

ITU is joining forces with the Zero Project of the Essl Foundation to launch an initiative that aims to build a supportive ecosystem for digital innovation in accessibility and strengthen a special digital-centric innovation ecosystem for Accessible Europe. Through this initiative, ITU and the Zero Project will work closely with start‑ups and SMEs and other relevant stakeholders to enhance regional cooperation in Europe and engagement in the innovation ecosystem for Accessible Europe, including developing and disseminating knowledge on ICT accessibility innovations.

Find out more about activities under the initiative:

Capacity building in ICT Accessibility

ITU has developed various training and knowledge development courses on ICT Accessibility. The self-paced online courses are free of charge and available in English, French, and Spanish. Available training courses:

  1. How to ensure inclusive digital communication during crises and emergency situations
  2. ICT Accessibility: The Key to Inclusive
  3. Web Accessibility: The Cornerstone of an Inclusive Digital Society