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Newly adopted Regional Initiatives by the WTDC-14 held in Dubai, UAE, for the period 2014-2018 for EUR region

EUR1 Spectrum management and transition to digital broadcasting
Objective: To foster regional cooperation, mainly supplemented by direct assistance to the administrations in the process of analogue TV switch-off, and management of the frequencies in the digital dividend bands, which are to be utilized bearing in mind the most effective use of radio spectrum.

Assistance to the countries in need in the following:
1) Transition from analogue to digital terrestrial broadcasting and switch-off process
2) Capacity building in spectrum management, including in the digital dividend band
3) Elaboration of studies, benchmarks and guidelines on the economic and policy aspects of the assignment and use of the radio-frequency spectrum.

EUR2 Development of broadband access and adoption of broadband
Objective: Due to significant differences in European countries, there is an urgent need to take steps and assist administrations in every aspect of the practical implementation and development of high-speed networks. This action may also comprise the establishment of local/regional broadband roll-out plans. The development of communication networks would be boosted by using the experience in infrastructure-sharing with energy sector (smart grids) and should aim to benefit from cross-sectoral synergies. The degree of progress in this field varies considerably between Member States in the region, and therefore sharing best practices and regulatory policies and providing assistance would help to use resources most effectively.

Assistance to the countries in need in the following:
1) Creation of new legislative paradigms fostering broadband development, including cost-effective solutions for remote and rural areas and models for infrastructure-sharing including applications of smart grids
2) Establishment of national and local/regional broadband roll-out plans and monitoring of the implementation and elaboration of relevant cross-sectoral policies and strategies, including setting up national coordination mechanisms
3) Development of plans for broadband infrastructure roll-out, including in remote and rural areas
4) Mapping of broadband infrastructure across the region
5) Monitoring of the quality of services and consumer protection.

EUR3 Ensuring access to telecommunications/ICTs, in particular for persons with disabilities
Objective: To further promote e-accessibility in the ICT ecosystem, and provide the administrations with the most suitable solutions available. Both objectives may comprise assistance to national regulatory authorities and sharing of best practices in cooperation with relevant institutions.

Assistance to the countries in need in the following:
1) Formulation of strategic plans and regulatory frameworks promoting e-accessibility and building confidence in ICT use at the national level
2) Creating the environment for the deployment of solutions for e-accessibility, including television/ICT applications for people with disabilities
3) Capacity building and promoting e‑education solutions.

EUR4 Building confidence and security in the use of telecommunications/ICTs
Objective: To build trust and confidence in the use of ICTs among children and young people in Europe.

Assistance to the countries in need in the following:
1) Utilizing the existing knowledge on risk and vulnerabilities to which children are exposed in cyberspace and providing best practices
2) Providing a platform to raise awareness on child online protection (COP) and safety issues
3) Developing and implementing roadmaps for national or regional COP initiatives.

EUR5 Entrepreneurship, innovation and youth
Objective: To foster the creation of an enabling environment and build capacities at the regional level, aimed at growth of entrepreneurship and increased innovation in the ICT ecosystem, while encouraging empowerment of young men and women and creating new opportunities for them in the ICT sector. Strengthened cooperation with diverse stakeholders, including academia and private sector will be necessary.

Assistance to the countries in need in the following:
1) A stronger and expanded regional network of ICT incubators
2) Improved performance, gender-responsiveness and sustainability of ICT incubators across the region
3) Enhanced competitiveness and sustainability of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the region
4) Integration of ICT professionals, including young people and students, into the employment market by providing them with appropriate skills and knowledge and promoting self-development to help them find employment or create their own businesses.
Due to acceptance of new Regional Initiatives, the Resolution 70 (Hyderabad, 2010) on Regional initiative for Central and Eastern Europe on "E-accessibility (Internet and digital television) for persons with disabilities" became irrelevant and was abrogated by WTDC-14.