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Regional Conference: Towards Mobile Broadband Ubiquity in Europe, 29-30 September 2014, Budva, Montenegro


International Telecommunicatiom Union​
      Agency for Electronic       
       Communication and         
    Postal Services  


Twelfth edition of the Regional Conference on Regulatory Activity in the Electronic Communications Sector: Towards Mobile Broadband Ubiquity in Europe, was held from 29 to 30 September 2014, in Budva, Montenegro, within the framework of the Festival of ICT Achievements – INFOFEST 2014.

The Conference was organized by the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services of Montenegro (EKIP). Europe Coordination coordinated the organization of the event, and was represented by Mr. Vladimir Stankovic.

This joint event has become a traditional annual gathering of regulators from the Region, the representatives of ministries and operators, and high officials of institutions that are in charge of affairs related to the development of electronic communications. This is the third consecutive year since ITU has joined the NRA from Montenegro in co-organizing the Regional Regulatory Conference (with close to 3,000 participants in period 2012-2014). Taking into account the distinct international character of the conference, which is undoubtedly the leading regulatory event from the countries in the region, this opportunity proved its value for ITU's involvement.

Considering the goals targeted in the forthcoming period, which have been prescribed by the EU strategic documents like Digital Agenda for Europe, as one of seven leading initiatives for the successful implementation of the  Europe 2020 strategy, as well as by national strategies for the development of the electronic communications sector in the countries of the Region, along with a growing development of information and communication technologies and the increasing need for high speed internet access, this year's Conference will focus on issues related to mobile broadband ubiquity.

Agenda Overview

This year's Conference, focused on mobile broadband ubiquity, and covered in particular the following aspects:

  • Emerging Trends in Technology;
  • Enabling environment, policy and regulation;
  • Current market development and necessary conditions for further development;
  • Requests and needs of consumers and the economy;
  • Forecasts and possible directions of development.

The event comprised of six segments that were organized in the form of a panel discussion and presentations. After the presentations were made the floor was open for questions and answers from participants.

Opening Ceremony of the Regional Regulatory Conference "Towards Mobile Broadband Ubiquity in Europe" was enriched with the welcoming addresses of Mr. Zoran Sekulić, Executive Director, and Mr.Šaleta Đurović, Chairman, Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services (EKIP), Montenegro, and Mr.Houlin Zhao, Deputy Secretary-General, International Telecommunication Union.

In Session 1: Towards Smart Regulation and Policy Fostering Growth of Mobile Broadband Ubiquity, besides ITU expert Mr. Sergio Buonomo, Counsellor of Study Group 5, Radiocommunication Bureau, ITU (Presentation title: ITU-R Study Group Activities and Standardization), the Conference had an opportunity to hear from leading representatives of the regional NRA’s:
1. Mr. Elvis Babačić, Manager for fixed and mobile radiocommunications, EKIP, Montenegro
Management of RF Spectrum in Montenegro: The most important activities and plans
2. Ms. Ljiljana Denkovska, Legal Affairs Advisor, Agency for Electronic Communications (AEK), FYR Macedonia
Analogue Switch-off and Use of Digital Dividend
3. Mr. Veselin Bozhkov, PhD. Chairman of Communications Regulation Commission (CRC), Bulgaria
Mobile broadband Europe – Bulgarian experience in the development of the mobile broadband access
4. Mr. Franc Dolenc, Director, Agency for Communication Networks and Services (AKOS), Slovenia
Seven Pillars of Digital Agenda for Slovenia
5. Mr. Domagoj Maričić, Head of Legal Department, Croatian Regulatory Authority for Network Industries (HAKOM), Croatia
Telecoms Single Market (TSM) – Challenges and Concerns

Session 2 also brought another ITU expert Ms. Rosheen Awotar-Mauree, Cybersecurity Officer, BDT ITU (Presentation title: Mobile Money: Standards and Business Models). Other panelists came also from the regional NRA’s, joined by Ms. Veronika Bocarova, Consultant, Cullen International
(Presentation title: Why net neutrality matters: protecting consumers and beyond?), and discussed on Technologies – Trends, Disruptive Innovations, Challenges and Opportunities:
1. Ms. Stojanka Bošnjak, Mr. Zlatan Salihović, Communications Regulatory Agency (RAK), Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mobile broadband technologies - Trends and regulatory approaches
2. Ms. Ljubica Marković, M.Sc.E.E, Ms. Marija Rajković,M.Sc.E.E, Ms. Mirjana Arsekić-Kraković, M.Sc.E.E, Mr. Milan Janković, Ph.D.E.E, Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services(RATEL), Serbia
Broadband Technologies – Trends in mobile broadband equipment for end users
3. Ms. Ana Vojvodić, Expert for Legal and Regulatory Affairs, Telenor, Montenegro
Universal Service – Development of Information Society in Montenegro Through Accessibility of Modern Technologies
4. Ms. Vanja Knežević, Senior manager product development and terminal management, Crnogorski Telekom, Montenegro
Mobile Broadband: Telecom and Trends
5. Ms. Marina Brkljačić, HAKOM, Croatia
Do we need net neutrality regulation?

The next day, Tuesday, 30 September 2014, continued with the Session 3 and discussions on Market and Consumer Needs and Preferences, and Consumer Protection Challenges in Mobile Broadband Ubiquity, with representatives of regional NRA’s:
1. Ms. Danka Milićević, Manager for regulatory and administrative acts, EKIP, Montenegro
Implementation of the Law on Electronic Communications in the area of protection of rights and interests of consumers who use electronic services
2. Ms. Marina Ljubić Karanović, HAKOM, Croatia
Harmonized End User’s Rights
3. Ms. Anna Pruś, Head of Division - Telecommunication Monitoring and Post-Inspection Proceedings, Office of Electronic Communications (UKE), Poland
Quality of Service Monitoring (QoS) – Memorandum of Cooperation of the quality of services available in the telecommunications market
4. Mr. Alban Karapici, Board member of Electronic and Postal Communications Authority (AKEP), Albania
Market and regulatory situationin Albania
5. Ms. Ana Mijalić, HAKOM, Croatia
An overview of electronic communications market in Croatia

While the last Session 4 was the opportunity to hear from Mr. Željko Popović, Strategic Solution Manager, Ericsson Nikola Tesla, Croatia, (Presentation title: Internet of Things: Next Big Challenge in Security and Privacy), and Mr. Vladimir Stanković, Europe Coordination, BDT ITU, on BDT global and regional (Europe) activities in developing the mobile broadband, before the official closing by Mr. Zoran Sekulić, Executive Director, EKIP, Montenegro.

Overview of the INFOFEST 2014 Opening Ceremony and Overall Program

Festival of Information Technology Achievements, Infofest 2014 was opened on Sunday, 28 September 2014, at "Maestral" hotel by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for the Information Society, Vujica Lazovic. "Through various forms of festival, we are in a position that every year we find something new, exchange experience and learn" said Deputy PM Mr. Lazovic, adding that the festival lasts for two decades. Beside him, the participants at the opening of this year's Infofest was addressed by the Deputy Secretary General of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Houlin Zhao, and Jelica Protic, a member of the board of the Festival.

Besides the 12th International conference of regulatory bodies in electronic communications sector, and the Workshop on establishing the national IXP in Montenegro, co-organized by BDT ITU, the program of INFOFEST 2104 included exhibitions, panel discussions and presentation contents, such as:

  • Company exhibition
  • Digital territory of post (IV Regional postal counselling)
  • Contemporary security challenges in the ICT world (counselling)
  • The role of new media in the promotion of destinations (panel)
  • Green Info-Communication Solutions (3rd International Workshop on Emerging Communication Technologies – WECT 2014)
  • The role of citizens in building digital society (panel)
  • Invited expert lectures
  • Importance of ERP implementation in the healthcare system (panel)
  • Implementation of Internet exchange point (presentation and workshop)
  • E-Services in regional governments (round table)

Presentation of most successful authoring works under the public tender of INFOFEST


Venue: The Maestral, Resort & Casino

Where: Budva, Montenegro
Venue: Maestral Hotel Resort
When: 29-30 September 2014

Objective of the Regional Conference for Europe Towards Mobile Broadband Ubiquity in Europe was to provide an opportunity for high level dialogue between the stakeholders on strategies and policies directed towards broadband development in the region, while discussing the challenges and opportunities offered via high speed networks and e-services provided over the modern infrastructure.


Regulatory Conference had around 400 participants; opening attended close to 150 (INFOFEST 2014 had 1.045 registered participants from 26 countries), with 25 media reported.

The representatives of the European regulatory agencies, ministries, operators of electronic communications, as well as the representatives and experts from international organizations and institutions responsible for policy development and regulation of electronic communications participated in the Conference and thereby contributed to the success and quality of this year's Conference.


Participants are invited to download and print the documents needed for the event. The Conference will be conducted in English and Montenegrin and it will be provided simultaneous translation to both languages.


To contact the Conference organizers you can use the following information:
Agency for Electronic Communication and Postal Services 
Tel: +382 20 406 700
Fax: +382 20 406 702
Contact person: Mr Boris Jevrić
Related website: 


International Telecommunication Union
Tel: +41 22 730 6065
Fax:  +41 22 730 6453
E-mail :
Contact person : Mr Jaroslaw Ponder
Related Website:  

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