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Regulatory Associations (RA) Meeting 2020


Regulatory Associations Meeting 2020: T
he role of Regional and International Organizations and collaboration at regional level in a post-COVID World
to address the challenges of Building Back Bette

This year th​e Regulatory Associations (RA) Meeting was organized virtually on 31 August 2020 from 13h00 PM until 16h00 PM CEST during the 20th Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR-20). The RA meeting was chaired  by Mr Michel van Bellinghen, incoming BEREC Chairman.

The purpose of this meeting was to provide RAs with the opportunity to exchange on activities, opportunities, and challenges. The first part of the meeting focused on a panel discussion, with the second part of the meeting focusing on presentations of the main projects and activities of each Regulatory Associations, and  information on challenges relating to COVID-19 and how RAs have responded. A rich discussion on how Regulatory Associations can collaborate, and to identify solutions together to build back better in a post-COVID digital ecosystem.  
To address the challenges of the future we need forward looking mindsets and we need to anticipate future trends.  The tasks ahead of us include: 
  1. thorough assessment of measures taken in the last months, and 
  2. deepen the collaboration between institutions.

Among the working areas that were mentioned as the focus on ongoing or upcoming activities were: digital transformation, digital strategies, 5G, spectrum, quality of service (QoS), international mobile roaming and consumer protection. Participants noted the value of sharing experiences and knowledge on topical regulatory issues they address.  

We agreed that sharing information is key under crisis situations because no country, and no single regulator can fight a crisis on its own. ITU has been setting the example by creating the Global Network Resiliency Platform REG4COVID, which was very helpful to see the policy and regulatory initiatives and actions taken from all around the world.

It was agreed that Regional Associations have an important role to play, and have to establish a framework based on their experience and that of the member states and international organizations. RAs could  work on harmonized measures to protect consumers against false information, and to ensure that there is no interruption of service and that this is resilient and available.

"We have to work together regionally, to come up with common rules and find answers to the digitalisation of our society. Discussions also have to include decision makers/ policy makers to foster the adoption of digital solutions.  Harmonization, consolidation, and international cooperation are the keywords." said Mr​ van Bellinghen, RA Chair. 

In conclusion, it is clear that the situation is not alike across the world, but bridging the digital divide is crucial for everyone.  We need to work together to create portals, such as ITU Regional Regulatory Associations Portal to exchange information and repositories for documents, as well as workshops – this to share experiences and outputs and tools for further collaboration between regional associations. More information available on the RA Report by the Chairman​.
