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Joint session ITU-T Q1/17 and ITU-D Q3/2 on strengthening collaboration

Question 3/2 logo

Wednesday, 24 September 2014 - 0815h-0915h in the Popov Room
(Meeting will be in English only - remote participation available)

The objective/scope of this "special joint session" is:

  • to articulate developing countries' priorities for the ITU-T SG17's standardization activities in providing confidence and security in the use of ICTs; and
  • to articulate ways of strengthening ITU-D SG2's role in helping developing countries implement ITU-T security Recommendations.

Agenda for the meeting:

  1. Opening of the meeting and welcome
  2. Introduction/presentation of ITU-D SG2 (10 minutes)
  3. Introduction/presentation of ITU-T SG17: [TD 1356 Rev.1] (10  min)
  4. Discussion (40 minutes)
  5. Any other business
  6. Closing

Documents available for this meeting:

  • Draft agenda
  • Overview of ITU-T SG17
  • Introduction on ITU-T Q3/2