Committed to connecting the world

Induction session - September 2014

Picture: collage of ITU-D Study Group Question icons

​On this page you will be able to access the various parts of the presentation that constituted the Induction session given at each of the ITU-D Study Group sessions in September 2014.

Do not hesitate to contact the Secretariat if you require any assistance (

Part I

ITU-D Strategic plan
Purpose of ITU-D Study Groups (and mission of ITU-D Study Groups)
Scope of work (2 Study Groups, 17 study Questions + WTDC Resolution 9)
Management Team
Main milestones

Part II

Resolution 1 (Rev. Dubai 2014) - main changtes, deadlines, possible work to refine Resolution 1 further
Roles and responsibilities of the management team

Part III

How to navigate the site to find what you are looking for
What is TIES access and how to get it
How to access documents
How to submit contributions
How to register for meetings

Part IV


Services provided during and between meetings