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Collaborative tools

​The ITU-D study groups Secretariat has made available a number of collaborative tools that will allow active collaborators, mana​​gement team members and meeting participants to work together and efficiently share their work and views between meetings. 

The secretariat is available for any questions or advice:



ITU-D Study Group portal (collaborative site)

​ITU-D study groups are increasingly required to use electronic working methods to advance their work.

In order to facilitate this, the Secretariat has put together this collaborative site that combines various tools and resources that may be useful to the collaborators of the ITU-D study groups: discussion forum, useful links, reference documents, a library to exchange documents, a calendar with important events, etc.

This link allows you to access the ITU-D Study Group portal (TIES restricted).

Management Team collaborative site

Members of a study group management team have particular needs that may differ from those of the other collaborators. They have additional tasks to perform, with specific deadlines, they require additional reference documents to perform those tasks, they need to communicate with one another and review each others documents, etc.

This dedicated collaborative site for the management teams of both study groups has been created with this in mind.

This is the link to access the dedicated collaborative site for management team members(TIES restricted).​

Mailing lists

​Mailing lists for each Study Group, as well as for each Question within the Study Groups available. Some Questions have also created specific mailing lists for their correspondence groups. You need to subscribe and manage your subscription to any list that you may find of interest simply using your TIES account.  You may only send an email to the subscribers of a list if you are a subscriber yourself.  You will then also be able to access the list's archives.  Following you will find the main links:

Presentation explaining how to subscribe and use the mailing lists

Subscribe/unsubscribe to the mailing lists for the ITU-D Study Groups

 ​Group ​Mailing list archives ​Mailing lists
​SG1 d18sg1 - General distribution list of Study Group 1 - Enabling environment for the development of telecommunications/ICTs
Q1/1​ ​ - Question 1/1 - Strategies and policies for the deployment of broadband in developing countries
​Q2/ - Question 2/1 - Strategies, policies, regulations and methods of migration and adoption of digital broadcasting and implementation of new services
​Q3/1 - Question 3/1 - Emerging technologies, including cloud computing, m-services, and OTTs: Challenges and opportunities, economic and policy impact for developing countries
​Q4/1​​ - Question 4/1 - Economic policies and methods of determining the costs of services related to national telecommunication/ICT networks
​Q5/1​​ - Question 5/1 - Telecommunications/ICTs for rural and remote areas
​Q6/1​​ - Question 6/1 - Consumer information, protection and rights: Laws, regulation, economic bases, consumer networks
​Q7/1 - Question 7/1 - Access to telecommunication/ICT services by persons with disabilities and other persons with specific needs
​ - General distribution list of Study Group 2 - ICT services and applications for the promotion of sustainable development
​Q1/ - Question 1/2 - Creating the smart cities and society: Employing ICTs for sustainable social and economic development
​Q2/2​​ - Question 2/2 - Telecommunications/ICTs for eHealth
d18sg2q3 - Question 3/2 - Securing information and communication networks: Best practices for developing a culture of cybersecurity
​d18sg2q3GCI​  - Question 3/2 Correspondence Group on ITU Global Cybersecurity Index - Correspondence Group to discuss collaboration between the work of ITU-D Study Group 2 Question 3/2 and the ITU Global Cybersecurity Index (GCI)
​Q4/2​​d18sg2q4 - Question 4/2 - Assistance to developing countries for implementing conformance and interoperability (C&I) programmes and combating counterfeit ICT equipment and theft of mobile devices
​Q5/2 - Question 5/2 - Utilizing telecommunications/ICTs for disaster risk reduction and management
​Q6/2 - Question 6/2 - ICTs and the environment
​Q7/2​​ - Question 7/2 - Strategies and policies concerning human exposure to electromagnetic fields