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Presentation abstract for Session on modern policies, guidelines, regulations and assessments of human exposure to RF-EMF


​Haim Mazar - ATDI (France)​

The presentation will detail the recent ITU activities including the new Q7/2 report (Chapters 1 and 2 already contributed). ITU responded to the via ITU-T SG5 - Environment and circular economy September 2018 meeting; the comments appear at document SG2RGQ/18-E 6 August 2018. ITU-T SG5 WP1/5 (EMC, lightning protection, EMF) studies Q3/5 - Human exposure to EMFs from ICTs. It raises awareness on EMF by its K.series Recommendations on EMF assessment, two new ITU-T Supplements on EMF and six new work items agreed. Best practices are explored at Draft Recommendation ITU-T K.BPra and K Suppl. 9 details 5G technology and human exposure to RF EMF. To complete ITU-R Handbook on Spectrum Monitoring, Chapter 5.6 on Non-Ionizing Radiation measurements, a work initiated by the ITU Experts Group on Spectrum Monitoring (i.e. ITU-R WP 1C) in response to Question 239/1(2016) 'EMF measurements to assess human exposure'. Significant progress made in 2017-2018, studies to be completed by 2019; see preliminary draft new ITU-R Report on 'EMF measurements to assess human exposure'. The ITU-D SG 2 Question 7/2 2017 Final Report 'Strategies and policies concerning human exposure to EMF' 6th study period 2014-2017 collects and disseminates information concerning exposure to RF and EMF, to assist national Administrations, particularly in developing countries, to advance appropriate national regulations. It assists Administrations to listen and respond to the concerns of the public related to radiating antennas. Following the ITU recent activities, including the revision of WTDC-17 Resolution 62 (Assessment and measurement of human exposure to EMF), the revision of Q7/2 (Strategies and policies concerning human exposure to EMF), the 2018 public-consultation (and revision?) of the ICNIRP Guidelines and changes in the regulatory framework, ITU-D develops a Report to include also new case studies, to reflect national activities on EMF. The 2018 October Workshop may provide significant view. ATDI contributes Chapter 1 Introduction and Chapter 2 – ITU Activities.

Michael Milligan - Mobile & Wireless Forum (MWF) 

The MWF is an non-profit association of telecommunications equipment manufacturers involved in mobile and wireless communications. The MWF’s mandate involves supporting research, and in this presentation we will review the associations recent support for projects relevant for the revision of RF exposure standards particularly at the higher frequencies that will be used 5G, as well as projects relating to the compliance of 5G devices. We will also summarise our work promoting international harmonisation of exposure limits, particularly with regards to understanding the implications for countries that have, or are considering, lower RF exposure limits than those recommended by ICNIRP or IEEE.

Emilie Van Deventer - World Health Organization (WHO)

(Will be shortly available)

Eric Van Rongen - International Commission on Non‐Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)

ICNIRP recently published its draft RF guidelines for public consultation (see In this presentation the background and main features will be presented. Comments can be submitted until October 8, 2018.​​​

Mich​ael Wood - Telstra (Australia)

As the road to 5G and the next generation of mobile technologies speeds up, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) is accelerating the development of the radio frequency safety compliance assessment standards.
To ensure the IEC is ready for 5G and provides global testing standards, the IEC published the new base station EMF assessment standard IEC62232 Edition 2 in August 2017, and in August 2018, the IEC published a new Technical Report on 5G device EMF compliance assessment procedures. The new base station assessment standard 62232 ED2 provides a globally harmonised approach and the most up to date techniques for the assessment of electromagnetic fields around radio base stations including the new 5G frequencies.
In 2018 the IEC initiated two new project teams in collaboration with the IEEE to publish dual logo standards for 5G compliance testing. The new IEC/IEEE project teams will develop full international standards for testing 5G mmWave devices by measurement using the new Technical Report as a base line, and the second one by computational methods.

The IEC will have a mix of new Standards and Technical Reports available in 2018 for the 5G test networks and early deployments, and full international standards by 2020 for the main commercial release of 5G.
In addition to the development of EMF assessment standards, an important step in preparing for 5G is to assess the EMF levels from the 5G technology. This presentation will provide an update on the IEC standardisation development for 5G, an overview of the initial EME assessment results from Telstra’s 5G trial in Australia and a cumulative assessment of the 5G signals in addition to the existing radio frequency transmissions from the 3G and 4G networks.

Wu Tongning Tony - ​China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT), China

In his presentation, the recent key bioelectromagnetic studies, conducted in China, will be introduced. The presentation introduces the Chinese standard system on EMF as well as the recent updates.

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