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Workshop on digital skills development: policies, strategies, and national experiences for a better future

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Time and place: Wednesday, 8 May 2024, 09:30 – 12:30 hours, Geneva (Room K, ITU)

This workshop on digital skills development: policies, strategies, and national experiences for a better future took​ place at ITU Headquarters (ITU Montbrillant building, Room K) in Geneva, Switzerland on Wednesday, 8 May 2024, from 09:30 to 12:30 hours preceded (on Tuesday, 7 May 2024) by the ITU-D Study Group 2 Question 5/2 meeting dedicated to “Adoption of telecommunications/ICTs and improving digital skills​”.

Background information

Digital skills are increasingly recognized as essential for participation in the modern economy and society. With the rapid advancement of technology and the growing digitalization of industries, the demand for a skilled digital workforce is paramount. However, the adoption of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, 5G, and others presents both benefits and challenges. Stakeholder involvement is crucial in navigating these advancements, sharing lessons learned, and implementing best practices. In addition, ensuring the inclusion and accessibility of technologies is imperative for promoting digital equity and maximizing societal benefits. ICT technologies play a pivotal role in enabling digital transformation, driving innovation, and enhancing competitiveness on a global scale. As countries and organizations strive to address these challenges and capitalize on opportunities, it is essential to develop robust policies, strategies, and national experiences that foster digital skills development and empower individuals to thrive in the digital age.


This workshop will delve into the critical aspects of digital skills development and its implications for shaping our future. Participants will engage in discussions and knowledge-sharing sessions focusing on various dimensions of digital skills, including emerging technologies, trends, best practices, and strategies for promoting digital skills development.

Expected outcome:

The workshop aims to facilitate knowledge exchange and collaboration among stakeholders involved in digital skills development policies and strategies. Participants will gain insights into the benefits and challenges of adopting emerging technologies, including artificial intelligence, 5G, and others. Stakeholder involvement will be emphasized to ensure effective sharing of lessons learned and best practices from countries and organizations worldwide. Additionally, discussions will focus on promoting the inclusion and accessibility of technologies to maximize their societal impact. Best practices in leveraging ICT technologies to enable digital transformation will be highlighted, providing participants with actionable insights to drive innovation and competitiveness in their respective contexts. By fostering dialogue and cooperation, the workshop will contribute to the advancement of digital skills development agendas and empower participants to navigate the complexities of the digital landscape effectively. Ultimately, the workshop seeks to equip individuals and organizations with the knowledge, tools, and resources needed to thrive in an increasingly digitized world.
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[12:20 - 12:30] WRAP-UP AND CLOSING