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ITU-D Study Groups Question 7/2 Terms of Reference

​​Statement of the situation or prob​​lem

With the advent of the wireless technologies, human exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) raised public concerns. The importance of developing strategies and guidance concerning human exposure to EMF has been well discussed. Over the study cycle from 2018 to 2021, ITU-D Study Group 2 Question 7/2 has studied science-based policies, guidelines, national experiences and assessments of human exposure to RF-EMF. New versions of EMF standards have also been published in the study cycles: in March 2020, the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) published an update to the ICNIRP (1998) Guidelines. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) also published the updated C95.1-2019 in October 2019. The ICNIRP and IEEE limits are largely harmonized, and the power density limits for whole-body exposure to continuous fields are identical above 30 MHz.
Due to the characteristics of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), beamforming and millimetre-wave technologies used in the new communication systems, some pioneer studies have been conducted to evaluate RF EMF levels. Risk communication, including the benefit of new wireless technologies for the pandemic and people, is an important method to reduce unnecessary public concerns about RF-EMF exposure. WHO and ITU constantly help the exchange of knowledge between countries and regions on the current state of the science.

Question o​​r issue for study

The study theme will encompass workshops featuring subject-matter experts, administrations and Sector Members who can share expertise and experiences related to the theme; collection of case studies and input contributions related to the theme; and interactive discussions to allow the Question to compare experiences and identify lessons learned and best practices. Additionally, throughout the study cycle, the Question will continue to examine new wireless technologies, best-practice of EMF management, harmonization of the standards as well as risk communication, with the priority on: