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ITU Workshop on the Efficient Use of the Orbit/Spectrum Resource, Danang, Vietnam > Programme

TUESDAY, 29 September 2015

08:45-09:15Opening Session
Welcome remarks by ITU
Opening remarks by ARFM/MIC Vietnam

Yvon Henri (ITU)
Doan Quang Hoan (Director General, ARFM Vietnam)
09:15-10:30 Session 1: Enabling Access to the Spectrum & Orbit

Presentations in this session will highlight opportunities for new entrants to gain access to the satellite/orbit resources and current capacity building efforts in the satellite industry including incentives for optimal spectrum/orbit use.
Lim Seng (SSII) - BIO | PDF
Ting Ling Lee (SES) - BIO | PDF
Vicky Wong (Asiasat) - BIO | PDF
Prasanna Srini (ABS) - BIO | N/A
10:30-10:45Coffee Break
10:45-12:00 Session 2: Regulatory Best Practices
Presentations in this session will focus on the best practices governing the use of new technologies which are gaining wide spread prominence e.g. Earth Stations on Vessels, Earth Stations on Mobile Platforms or Unmanned Aircraft System, nano/pico satellites.
Mariah Shuman (O3b) - BIO | PDF
Ethan Lavan (Eutelsat) - N/A
Daryl Hunter (Viasat) - BIO | PDF
Session 3: WRC-15 / WRC-19: Agenda Items for Efficient Use of the Spectrum/Orbit Resources
Director's report for WRC-15
PP Resolution 186 (Busan, 2014)
Regional preparations​
Open Discussion on WRC-15 / WRC-19
Yvon Henri (ITU) - ZIP | PDF
Vicky Wong (Asiasat) - BIO | PDF
Kumar Singarajah (Avanti) - BIO | PDF
Ethan Lavan (Eutelsat) - N/A
15:00-16:00 Session 4: Future Improvements to ITU and NGSO Satellite Framework
Yvon Henri (ITU) - PDF
Whitney Lohmeyer (OneWeb) - BIO | N/A
Matthew Dunn (SpaceX) - BIO | N/A
Mohamed El Amin (Boeing) - BIO | N/A
16:00-16:15Coffee Break
16:15-17:30 Session 5: Open Forum Discussion
The delegates will participate in moderated open-forum
discussion relating to future steps to be taken relating to satellite
spectrum and regulatory solutions.
Lim Seng (SSII)
Ting Ling Lee (SES)
Prasanna Srini (ABS)
Mariah Shuman (O3b)
Ethan Lavan (Eutelsat)
Daryl Hunter (Viasat)

Vicky Wong (Asiasat)
Kumar Singarajah (Avanti)
Whitney Lohmeyer (OneWeb)
Matthew Dunn (SpaceX)
Mohamed El Amin (Boeing)
17:30-17:45Closing Session
Closing remarks by ITU

Yvon Henri (ITU)