Committed to connecting the world

Notification Forms

The international monitoring system comprises only those monitoring stations that are designated as such by administrations. These stations may be operated by an administration, a public or private agency, a monitoring service established jointly by several countries or by an international organization. The administrations responsible determine whether the technical standards observed by stations are in accordance with the ITU-R Recommendations and communicate the information to the ITU. It is to be noted in this respect that administrations may authorize the participation of stations observing lower technical standards in order to meet some particular need for monitoring data.
 ITU-R Recommendation SM.1139 referred to in Article 16 of the Radio Regulations recommends:

“That administrations having determined whether the monitoring stations meet adequate technical standards, shall notify to the Radiocommunication Bureau pertinent information on the centralizing office and on the stations they wish to have included in List VIII, clearly identifying those stations which may participate in the international monitoring system”.


Terrestrial and Space Services notification forms

Notifications should be addressed to:

The Director of Radiocommunication Bureau-ITU, Place des Nations.
CH-1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland
Direct Telefax. No.: +41 22 730 5785,