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AI for Good Global Summit - Speakers

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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​The AI for Good Global Summit brings together policymakers, industry leaders, financial institutions, academia and civil society from developed and developing countries as well as United Nations agencies and other itnernational organisations. It is the key global forum ​​to discuss international understanding of the capabilities of emerging AI technologies and a unique opportunity to join the leadership dialogue.​

Confirmed speakers for AI for Good Global Summit include:

President of Hart

Padmanabhan Anandan
Vice President of Adobe Research India

Executive Director of the Centre for Communication Governance at National Law University Delhi
JoJo Bahnam
Marie-Jose Bahnam​
Sr. Director, Foundation Priorities, at XPRIZE
Amir Banifatemi 
Prize Lead of the IBM Watson AI XPRIZE, ​and Chair of Programme Committee

Philippe Beaudoin
VP Research Group and Co-Founder at Element AI
Yoshua Bengio's photo
Head of Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms (MILA), and Canada R​esearch Chair in Statistical Learning Algorithms​ 
Senior Strategy and Policy Advisor at UNICRI​

Nic Bidwell
Professor at University of Namibia
Antoine Blondeau's Photo
Co-Founder and Chairman of 
Sentient Technologies

Anto​ine Bordes
Senior Researcher at Facebook
Associate Professor of Media Arts and Sciences at MIT and Director of the Personal Robots Group at 
MIT Media Lab
[USA] ​

Lars Bromley
Principal Analyst at UNOSAT​

Paul Bunje​
Chief Scientist at the X​PRIZE Foundation
​Frits Bussemaker​
​Secretary General, International Relations and Partner at CIONET​​
Founder and CEO of Future Advocacy

Alexandre Cadain
CEO at Anima and co-lead of post-digital program at Ecole Normale Superieure
Stephen Cave's photo
Stephen Cave
Executive Director of Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence at University of Cambridge
Margaret Chan
Margaret Chan​
Director-General of ​World Health Organization (WHO)
President & CEO of ​Catronic Enterprise, and Board Chair at 
IEEE Computer Society

Moustapha Cissé
Researcher at Facebook

Rene Clausen Nielsen
‎Information Management Lead at IFRC
Head of Society and Innovation at 
World Economic Forum​

Peter Diamandis
Founder of XPRIZE Foundation
(Video Message)
Member of the European Parliament, Vice-Chair of the Committee on Legal Affairs, Chair of the 
Working Group on robotics​​​​
Virgina Dignum Photo
 Virginia ​Dignum​
​Associate Professor at the Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management of Delft University of Technology
​[The Netherlands]
Professor of Computer Science and Engineering ​at University of Washington

Chris Earney
Deputy of UNHCR Innovation​, UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)​

Sherif Elsayed-Ali
Head of Technology and Human Rights, at Amnesty International
Katsumi Emura
Katsumi Emura​
Chair of Industrialization Roadmap Task Force, Strategic Council for AI Technology​
Ernst Ekkehard​Ekkehard Ernst
Chief of the Macroeconomic Policies and Jobs Unit, Research Department at International Labour Organization (ILO)
Chris FabianChristopher Fabian​
Co-Founder of UNICEF Innovation​
Ash Fontana
Ash Fonta​na
Managing Director of ​
Zetta Ventures
Urs Gasser Photo
Executive Director of Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society 
at Harvard University

Igor van Gemert
Founder/CEO, SIM-CI
Strategy Planning Consultant at Smart Dubai Office
Staff Reseach Scientist at 
Google Brain

Kenneth Goodman
Director of Institute for Bioethics and Health Policy, and Co-Director of UM Ethics Programs at University of Miami (Remote)

Jamie Green
Innovation Accelerator Projects Manager, WFP
Antonio Guterres António Guterres
Secretary-General of the United Nations
(Video message)​​
Founder and CEO of ​Hanson Robotics
Vicki Hanson Photo
President of ACM, and Distinguished Professor of Computing at the Rochester Institute of Technology
Barmak Heshmat Photo
Barmak Heshmat​
Research Scientist at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Director of Thematic Engagement, Special Procedures and Right to Development, at OHCHR
Mike Hinch​ey​
President of IFIP, and Director of Irish Software Engineering Research Centre (Lero)
[Australia] [Ireland]

Michael Hopkins
CEO of MHC International Ltd
Eric Horvitz
Eric Horvitz
Managing Director of Microsoft Research at Microsoft

CEO of Optimal Agriculture
 Ratika Jain
Executive Director, Manufacturing, Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)

Malavika Jayaram
Executive Director of Digital Asia Hub
Johanna Jochim
Special Projects Manager at WFP

Stephen Ibaraki​
Social Entrepreneur and Futurist - Chair REDDS Capital​
Frederike Kaltheuner
Policy Advisor on data innovation at Privacy International​​
Managing Director of
IEEE Standards Association
Anja Kaspersen
Anja Kaspersen​
Head of Strategic Engagement and New Technologies, at ICRC​
Elim Kay
Elim Kay
CEO of the Kay Family Foundation
Robert Kirkpatrick's photo
Robert Kirkpatrick​
Director of UN Global Pulse
Adam Klaptocz
Co-founder and CTO of WeRobotics
Jay Komarneni
Founder & Chair of the Human Diagnosis Project at 'Human Dx'
Professor at the University of Minnesota
La Rue
Assistant Director-General for Communication and Information at UNESCO​
Apala Lahiri Chavan
Apala Lahiri Chavan​
President of Human Factors International (Middle East, Asia, Africa and Australia)
Mark Latonero
Lead researcher for the Data & Human Rights program at Data & Society
Director of Telecommunication Standardization Bureau at International Telecommunication Union
Jong Gun ​Lee
Data Scientist at UN Global Pulse
Peter Lee Photo
Corporate Vice President of Microsoft AI and Research ​at Microsoft
Fei-Fei Li​
Director of Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab (SAIL), and Chief Scientist of AI at Google Cloud 

Miguel Luengo-Oroz
Chief Data Scientist at UN Global Pulse 

Data Protection Commissioner's Office, Prime Minister’s Office of the Republic of Mauritius 
Katherine Maher Katherine M​aher
Executive Director of Wikimedia Foundation​
​Professor of Psychology and Neural Science at New York University

Peter Marx
Vice President, Advanced Projects, at GE
Director of Human Rights Centre at University of Essex

Sean McGregor
Oregon State University
Alex Mejia
Senior Manager at UNITAR

Olga Memedovic
Chief, Europe and Central Asia Bureau, at UNIDO
Fengchun Miao
Chief of ICT in Education at UNESCO
Sam Molyneux​
General Manager at Chan Zuckerberg Meta
Ahmed Motala
Human Rights Officer at OHCHR
 Robin Murphy
Professor at Texas A&M University, and Founder of Roboticists Without Borders
Rob Nail
Rob Nail
CEO of Singularity University
Izumi Nakamitsu
Izumi Nakamitsu​
Under-Secretary General and High-Representative for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA)

Executive Director of 
Lowes Innovation Lab
Mark Nelson's photo
Mark R. Nelson
Executive Director of Computer Science Teachers Association (CSTA)

Lydia Nicholas
Senior Researcher at Collective Intelligence Nesta​

Dire​ctor of Research at Google​​
Irmgard Nubler's photo
Irmgard Nübler
Senior economist, Research Department at International Labour Organization (ILO)
Member of the UNESCO COMEST
Robert Opp​
Director of Innovation and Change Management at the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP)​
Marie-Hélène Parizeau
Lynne Parker Photo
Professor at University of Tennessee-Knoxville
John Quinn
Pulse Lab Kampala

Barry Ressler
Chairman of the Board/CEO at International Space Medicine Consortium
Pablo Rodriguez
​Pablo Rodriguez

CEO of Telefonica Alpha​
Francesca Rossi's photo
Professor at University of Padova, and Research Scientist at IBM Watson
[Italy] [USA]​​​​​​
Stuart Russell 
Stuart Russell​
 Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at UC-Berkeley, and Adjunct Professor of Neurological Surgery at UC-San Francisco
Neil Sahota Photo
Neil Sahota​
World Wide Business Development Leader at IBM Watson
Anders Sandbeg's photo Anders Sandberg
James Martin Research Fellow, Future of Humanity Institute​, at 
University of Oxford

Abha Saxena
Coordinator of Global Health Ethics at WHO
Juergen Schmidhuber Photo
Scientific Director, Swiss AI Lab, IDSIA; Professor of AI, USI & SUPSI, Switzerland; President of NNAISE​NSE 
Salil Shetty's photo 
Secretary General of
Amnesty International​
CEO of the XPRIZE Foundation
Director of United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI)
Rupert Stadler's photo
CEO and Chairman​ of the Board of Management of AUDI ​AG
Ch​ristian Steinruecken
CTO of Invenia and King’s College, Cambridge
Director of Strategy, Data and Analytics at Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Louise Story
New York Times

Sven Strohband
CTO of Khosla Ventures​
F​rançois Taddei
Professor at Paris Descartes University
Vice President, Global Impact Strategy at XPRIZE
Manuela Veloso Photo
Professor in Computer Science and Robotics ​at Carnegie Mellon University, and Former President of AAAI
Consultant, Ethicist, and Scholar at Yale University's Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics, and Senior Advisor to the Hastings Center, and the World Economic Forum​
Thomas Wiegand Photo
​Professor at TU Berlin, and 
Executive Director of 
Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute
Senior Director of Symantec Research Labs at Symantec​

Christiane Woopen
Professor of Ethics and Theory of Medicine at University of Cologne (Member of International Bioethics Committee of UNESCO)
Lan Xue 
Lan Xue
Cheung Kong Chaired Professor and Dean of School of Public Policy and Management at Tsinghua University​​
Hongjiang Zhang
Head of ByteDance Technical Strategy Research Center
Houlin Zhao
Houlin Zhao​​
Secretary General ​of International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

Leila Zia
Senior Research Scientist at Wikimedia Foundation
Andrew Zolli
Planet Labs

Naroa Zurutuza
Information Poverty Lead at UNICEF Innovation​

