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SONG Minzheong

song.jpgMinzheong Song currently has a professor position of Dept. of Media and Communication at Hansei University. She used to work for the Economics & Management Research Lab of Korea Telecom starting from Aug. 1996 to Apr. 2014 and to have a professor position of Dept. of Human ICT convergence for one year at Seongkyunkwan University. She is also a lecturer at various graduate schools of Communications in several universities like Seogang, Sookmyung, Dongkuk and so on.
She was the Executive Director of Korea Media Management Association (2002-2011) and has been an auditor for 3 years from 2011 to 2013. She has also served as an auditor of Communication Academic Society (2008-2011). Since 2012, she has been working as the Cooperation Director at Korean Association for Broadcasting & Telecommunications Studies and vice-president of Cyber-communication Academic Society from 2012 to 2013. She has been also nominated as the vice-president of the Korea Academic Association of Business Administration and the Academic Association of Digital management from 2014 to 2015 regarding the management.
She received B.A. in German Literature (major) and Communications (minor) from Ewha Womans University and M.A. in Media Communication (former Newspapers & Broadcasting) from Jungang University. She finished her Ph.D. course in Media Communication from University of Zuerich in Switzerland and took a Post-doc course from the same school for one year and simultaneously, she worked for the Media and Communication Department of Prognos AG, in Basel from August 1995 to August 1996. For her career on the job, she also holds KT MBA course of KAIST (2001) in Korea and MBA course of Seoul National University for one year (2008) during her yearly leave of KT. During the summer 2008, she finished a Media MBA summer course at UCLA in the US.