Committed to connecting the world


Yevgeniy_Malishevskiy_photo.jpgGraduated from Kazakh Polytechnic Institute specializing in automation and telemechanic, the electrical engineer, postgraduate of the Moscow Power Engineering Institute, specializing in electrical and semiconductor converters, Ph.D. (Candidate of Technical Science).
Since 2005 director of the Science and Consulting Centre of the National Telecommunications Association of Kazakhstan, 1997-2005 Vice Rector for Research and Economic work Almaty Institute of Power Engineering and Telecommunications, 1996-1997 Associate Professor of the Kazakh National Technical University, 1991-1996 Vice Rector for Research and Economic and Social Affairs, 1981-1991 Associate Professor of the Almaty Energy Institute.
Member of the Committee of information and communication technologies and "green economy" of the Presidium of the National Chamber of entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan “Atameken”, academician of the International Academy of Informatization and International Academy of communication, Chairman of the Technical Committee for Standardization (TC-63) "Systems, tools and services Info-communications". In 2006 awarded the title of Құrmettі baylanysshy (Honorary Worker of Communications).
Field of scientific and practical activities: the use of information and communication technologies, interconnection multi-service telecommunication systems and networks, the implementation of quality management system of services of Infocommunications, conducting market analysis and improvement of technical and tariff regulation of the Infocommunications sector, development of regulatory legal acts, technical regulations and standards of an industry
Publication of more than 120 works and scientific articles.