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FG IMT-2020 Workshop and Demo Day: Wireline Technology Enablers for 5G

Geneva, Switzerland, 7 December 2016



The International Telecommunication Union organized a FG IMT-2020 Workshop and Demo Day: Wireline Technology Enablers for 5G at ITU headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, on 7 December 2016.


ITU-T Focus Group on network aspects of IMT-2020 was established in May 2015 to analyse how emerging 5G technologies will interact in future networks. The objective of the Focus Group is to conduct a preliminary study into the networking innovations required to support the development of 5G systems.

The FG IMT-2020 Workshop and Demo Day reviewed the findings of the Focus Group, showcased proofs of concept and demonstrations of wireline technologies enabling future 5G systems, and discussed next steps.

Target Audience

This one-day technical event was open to experts participating in the IMT-2020 work of ITU, and all other parties interested in networking technologies shaping future 5G systems.



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