Committed to connecting the world

Isaac Boateng, NCA

Isaac Boateng PhotoProfessional Experience & Qualification
Isaac Boateng is a Senior Engineer with the National Communications Authority (NCA) of Ghana with about 15 years of professional working experience in the ICT industry. He is responsible for technical regulations and is currently the head of ICT Standards Setting at the NCA. He holds M.Sc. in Wireless Communication Systems (UK) and B.Sc. in Physics (GHANA).
Key accomplishments
Mr Boateng has successfully led and completed (2016) the NCA Type approval Testing Laboratories for Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) Testing, Radio Frequency & Signaling (RFSig) Testing for mobile devices and EMF testing for base stations and transmitter sites. He developed a new Type Approval and equipment authorization Regime with an online application portal for Manufacturer and dealers of ICT equipment and search database for consumers.  In 2008, Mr Boateng spearheaded project for the procurement of QoS monitoring and post processing tools for NCA. He also developed Broadband Wireless Access, Unified Access Service, Mobile Virtual Network and International Wholesale Carrier and Interconnect Clearinghouse Licences in 2015.
Mr Boateng Authored the recently published ITU Survey Report on “Counterfeit ICT Devices In Africa” that has resulted in the creation of a Regional Group of ITU-T SG11 for African (July 2016). Mr Boateng was appointed (for the 2nd term WTSA-16) as a Vice Chair of ITU_T SG11. He led Question 8/11 to publish a ITU technical report on Combating Counterfeit ICT Equipment and three new ITU –T Recommendations/Technical reports are being developed in Q8/11 now Q15/11. He is currently the Chairman of ITU-T Conformity Assessment Steering Committee (ITU-T CASC) which is responsible to study ways to implement a testing laboratory recognition procedure in ITU-T working in collaboration with established Conformity Assessment Schemes of IEC and ILAC. He also spearheaded the African group to successfully defend for adoption of the WTSA-16 Resolutions 76, 96 and 97.