Committed to connecting the world


DanielBarLevDaniel Bar-Lev​​

As director in the MEF's Office of the CTO, Daniel is responsible for the development and implementation of a range of strategic MEF programs that are central to MEF's transformation to an agile-process oriented standards development organization. These innovative programs - including the MEF Software Developer Community, MEFnet global implementation platform, and MEF Reference Implementations - enable MEF's 210+ member companies to implement draft and published service orchestration and definitions work in code, and to make available standardized open APIs that accelerate the availability of highly agile, assured and orchestrated services for today's hyper-connected world.
Daniel has been involved in the networking industry for 25 years holding a variety of positions in RAD Data Communications, as well as co-founding Resolute Networks where he held executive positions. Representing Resolute in the MEF, Daniel served for 3 years as MEF Global Marketing Co-Chair and was elected three times to the MEF Board of Directors. Since 2010, Daniel has been a senior member of the MEF staff.
FadiBishayFadi Bishay

Fadi Bishay has 20 Years of Network Management Engineering and Software development experience. He did lead a global software Professional Service team for 10 years.

This team delivered more than 50 solutions in the Optical OAM domain, as well as multiple OSS/BSS integration projects. For the past 3 years, he has been leading a BluePlanet software design team, with special interest in Multi-Tenancy and Service Assurance
Marco Carugi

Marco Carugi works as consultant on advanced telecommunication technologies and associated standardization, currently representing NEC in standards development activities. IoT/M2M, IMT2020 and Future Networks, Big Data, SDN and Cloud Computing and are technical areas in which he is involved at present. During his professional career, he has worked as Telecommunication Engineer in the Solvay group, Research Engineer in Orange Labs, Senior Advisor in the Nortel Networks CTO division and Senior Expert in the Technology Strategy department of ZTE R&D.
Marco is active in standardization since long time, and has held numerous leadership positions, including ITU-T SG13 Vice-Chair, ITU-T Rapporteur in last four study periods, ITU-T FG Cloud Computing WG Chair, OIF Board member, IETF Provider Provisioned VPN WG co-Chair.
Marco has been leading the development of numerous standards specifications, specifically those related to requirements, capabilities and services for NGN and IoT/M2M since the creation of the respective ITU-T NGN and IoT Global Standards Initiatives, and has published in technical journals and books.

In the 2017-2020 ITU-T study period he is serving as Rapporteur for Question 2 - "Requirements, capabilities, and use cases across verticals" - in ITU-T SG20 (Internet of things (IoT) and smart cities and communities (SC&C)) and SG20 Mentor, as well as Associate Rapporteur for Question 20 - "IMT-2020: Network requirements and functional architecture" - in ITU-T SG13 (Future networks, with focus on IMT-2020, cloud computing and trusted network infrastructures) and SG13 Mentor.

He also plays some ITU-T Liaison Officer roles, including as SG13 Liaison Officer to SG20, SG20 Liaison Officer to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC41 (ex-WG10) and to the Alliance for IoT Innovation (AIOTI) (WG3 on IoT standardization), participating regularly in AIOTI and EC's Internet of Things Research Cluster activities [co-author of IERC books edition 2014 and 2013, and AIOTI WG3 Rel.1/2 deliverables on IoT standards landscape, high level architecture and semantic interoperability (2015)]. He acted as vice-chair of the past ITU-T Focus Group on M2M Service Layer.

Marco holds an Electronic Engineering degree in Telecommunications from University of Pisa (Pisa, Italy), a M.S. in Engineering and Management of Telecommunication Networks from National Institute of Telecommunications (Evry, France) and a Master in International Business Development from ESSEC Business School (Paris, France).  He has also completed an Executive Program on Big Data Science at Ecole Centrale (Paris, France). 
NopicIvano Cerrato

Ivano Cerrato (PhD) is currently a research assistant at Politecnico di Torino, Italy, where he received his Ph.D. in 2016 with a dissertation on network functions virtualization and software defined networking.

His research interests include high-speed packet processing, high-performance network virtualization, software defined networking.                
WeiChen​​Wei Chen

Mr. Wei Chen, Ph.D, works in Network Technology Dept of China Mobile Research Institute. His work area includes 5G, network slicing, NFV, P2P and CDN related mobile network evolution technology research, standardization and promotion.

He has extended experience in international standardization activities and collaborations such as 3GPP, ITU-T and NGMN. He is the co-rapporteur of ITU-T SG13 Q21 on network softwarization, and the vice-chair of GSMA Network Slice Type Project.
​​​TaesangChoiTaesang Choi

Taesang Choi received his MS (1990) and Ph.D (1995) degrees in Computer Science and Telecommunications at the University of Missouri-Kansas City.  He joined ETRI in 1996 and is currently working as a principal research staff.  He has been actively involved in the R&D of Traffic Engineering, Traffic Measurement and Analysis, SDN/NFV management, and 5G network slice management. 

He has also actively contributed to various SDOs and open source activities such as IETF, ITU-T, ONF, ONOS and etc.  He is currently acting as ITU-T SG13 Question 6 Rapporteur and International IT Standardization Expert representing Republic of Korea.
​​HeechangChungHeechang Chung

Heechang Chung received his B.S degree from Korea University, Korea (Rep of) in 1980, M.S and P.H degree from Aju University, Korea in 1989 and 1997. He was a principal researcher at ISDN Center, ETRI from April 1980 to November 2000. He was a principal researcher at National Research Network Center, NIA from November 2000 to June 2014.

Currently he is a professor of Telecommunication engineering, Dongeui University, Korea. His current research interests include future service management, service creation and standardization in ITU-T SG13 Standardization.
CoriciMarius-Iulian Corici

Dr. Eng. Marius-Iulian Corici is a senior researcher at the Fraunhofer FOKUS Institute. He has received his Diploma-Engineer degree at the ― Politehnica University of Bucharest on Nomadic Satellite-Based VoIP Infrastructure. He joined the Next Generation Network Infrastructures (NGNI) competence centre of Fraunhofer FOKUS Institute in 2005. His research work includes multiple patent applications submitted in the area of IP network architectures and multiple publications in the area of NGN and Mobile Broadband Networks in collaboration with various industry partners.

He has received his Doctoral Degree in 2013 on Self-Adaptable IP Control in Carrier Grade Mobile Operator Networks. Currently, he is the deputy head of the Software Networks business direction of Fraunhofer, the team developing the Open5GCore, Open5GMTC and OpenSDNCore toolkits acting as a research pathfinder for the evolution towards vertical sectors and customization of massive core networks as well as the design and specification of novel 5G features and technology readiness assessments.                  
Salih Ergut Bio Photo ​Salih Ergut​

​​Dr. Salih Ergut received his BS in Electrical Engineering from Bilkent University (Ankara, Turkey), MS in Electrical & Computer Engineering from Northeastern University (Boston, MA), and PhD in Electrical & Computer Engineering from University of California San Diego (La Jolla, CA).
He has more than 15 years of experience in the telecommunication domain in academia and industry. He has worked for vendor and operator companies in the sector including Ericsson Wireless (San Diego, CA), Ericsson Silicon Valley, Aware (Boston, MA), Nextwave (San Diego, CA), Turk Telekom Group (Istanbul, Turkey) and is currently working at Turkcell 5G R&D team in Istanbul, Turkey.
His research interests include wireless communications, machine learning, big data technologies, 5G technologies,  SDN, NFV, and IoT.​​​
Alex GalisAlex Galis

Alex Galis is a Professor in Networked and Service Systems at University College London (UCL). He has co-authored 10 research books and more that 250 publications in the Future Internet areas: system management, networks and services, networking clouds, 5G virtualisation and programmability. He participated in a number of EU research projects including overall technical leadership of the MISA - Management of IP networks, FAIN – programmable networks, CONTEXT – context aware networking and AUTONOMIC INTERET – autonomic networking projects.

He was a member of the Steering Group of the Future Internet Assembly (FIA) and he led the Management and Service–aware Networking Architecture (MANA) working group at FIA. He acted as PTC chair of 14 IEEE conferences including TPC co-chair of IEEE Network Softwarization 2015 (NetSoft 2015) and reviewer in more than 100 IEEE conferences.

He is also a co-editor of the IEEE Communications Magazine feature topic on Advances In Networking Software and co-editor of the IEEE JASAC series on Network Softwarization and Enablers. He co-edited the '5G Architecture” and “Cognitive Network Management for 5G” white papers of the 5GPPP infrastructure association (i.e. 5G Architecture published version 1 – July 2016 and version 2 – August 2017; Cognitive Network Management for 5G published in March 2017; He acted as a Vice Chair of the ITU-T FG on Future Networking. He is involved in IETF and ITU-T IMT2010 network softwarization and slicing activities and he is also involved in IEEE SDN initiative.
Erik GuttmanEricGuttman                 

Erik Guttman, employed by Samsung Electronics, has been actively involved in networking and telecommunications standardization for over 20 years. He currently serves as the 3GPP Service and System Aspects Technical Specification Group Chairman. Preceding this, he held the position of 3GPP TSG SA WG2 (System Architecture) chairman for two terms. He has also chaired and actively contributed to numerous IETF working groups including SVRLOC (Service Location Protocol) and ZEROCONF (Zero Configuration Networking).

Erik's background includes leading research and product development projects that introduced emerging network application and system functions to operating environments. Erik developed frameworks and tools for distributed installation, testing and deployment. Erik served Chief Technical Officers as system architect and requirements researcher. Erik obtained a BA in Philosophy and Computer Science from the University of California, Berkeley and a MS in Computer Science from Stanford University.           
ShinGakKangShin-Gak Kang

Dr. Shin-Gak KANG works for ETRI (Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute) since 1984. Currently, he is a Director of Open Source Center of ETRI. Also, he is a professor of the Department of Information and Communication Network Technology of UST (University of Science and Technology), Korea since 2008. He is actively participating in various international standardization activities including a Vice-chairman of ITU-T SG11, Convenor of JTC1/SC6/WG7.

He is now serving as a chairman of ITU-T WP2/11, working on the standardization for control and management protocols for IMT-2020. He is also actively participating in the IMT-2020 related activities of ITU-T SG13 as an Editor for Draft Recommendations on Terms and Requirements for IMT-2020 network. His research interests include Future Network, IMT-2020 network, contents networking, multimedia communications and applications, and various ICT converged services.
HansKimHyungsoo (Hans) Kim​​

Hans (Hyungsoo) Kim has worked at KT (Korea Telecom) R&D part from 1993. He had successfully led outstanding projects in relation to B-ISDN (Broadband-Integrated Digital Network), NGN (Next Generation Network), IP QoS (Quality of Service), Green ICT, Smart Grid and 5G. Now he is responsible for leading the technical strategies, as a Director of Technology Strategy Division in KT.

Dr. Kim has a Ph.D. in electronics engineering from Kon-Kuk University.
In addition to his role in KT, Dr. Kim has participated in ITU-T based international standards activities, since 1997. ​Now he is working as a Vice-Chairman for ITU-T Study Group 13 and Chairman of Working Party 1/SG13.​​​

ChaesubLeeChaesub Lee            

Chaesub Lee is the Director of ITU’s Telecommunication Standardization Bureau, following his election at the 2014 Plenipotentiary Conference in Busan, Republic of Korea. He took office on 1st January 2015. Dr Lee has been involved in the telecommunication and ICT standardization field for 30 years, specializing in areas such as integrated services digital networks (ISDN), global information infrastructure (GII), Internet protocol, next-generation networks (NGN), Internet protocol television (IPTV) and cloud computing.

He started his professional life in 1986 as a researcher at Korea Telecom. After 17 years he took up a role at the country's Electronic and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI), where he stayed for the next eight years.
Most recently he worked at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), and as a senior advisor to the Koreans Ministry, ICT and Future Planning (MSIP).

Within ITU Dr Lee served as Chairman of the ITU Next-Generation Networks (NGN) Focus Group to address the growing need for global standards for NGN, including service requirements, functional architecture and mobility, security and Quality of Service (QoS). He was also Vice-Chairman of the ITU IPTV Focus Group which works to coordinate and promote the development of IPTV standards.

He acted as Vice-Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 13 'Future Networks and Cloud' from 2001 until 2008, becoming Chairman of that group in 2009. Study Group 13 works to develop standardization solutions for NGNs, future networks and cloud computing, Internet of Things (IoT), and mobile telecommunications, to ensure their smooth international deployment in the coming years. Dr Lee holds a PhD in Multimedia Engineering. He is married with two children.
LeoLehmannLeo Lehmann                         

Since April 2015, Dr. Leo Lehmann is the elected Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 13 (Future networks including cloud computing, mobile and next-generation networks). Before his election, he already served the ITU-T as vice-chairman and working party co-chairman of Study Group 13 since October 2008. From 2012 until 2014, he also acts as Vice-chairman of the ITU-T Focus Group on Disaster Relief Systems, Network Resilience and Recovery (FG DR&NRR). Afore he was the Rapporteur on “multimedia service mobility management” in the ITU-T Study Group 16 (Multimedia Services) for many years.

An internationally recognized expert, Leo has worked in telecommunications for 24 years and has experience in private industry as well as the public sector. Prior to joining OFCOM, Switzerland in 2002, Leo held senior management positions in network engineering, system design and services at major telecommunications players on both the vendor and operator side of business.
As designated expert on Next Generation Networks and Future Networks including 5G and Multimedia, he has contributed many conferences and workshops. He is one of the winners of the best paper award of the ITU-T Kaleidoscope event 2011“The fully networked human? − Innovations for future networks and services”.
ZhijunLiZhijun Li                      

Zhijun is a senior expert of the Core Network R&D team in ZTE Corporation. He has nearly 10 years activity in participating in 3GPP standard groups. His interesting areas include EPC improvements and MTC communication related technology. Now, he is focusing on 5G network, especially on the Service Based Architecture.

He has worked for ZTE more than 10 years, and is located in Nanjing,China. Before joining ZTE, he had an experience of IT software design for 6 years, as CTO in an IT software company. He received his master degree in computer science at Nanjing University of Science and Technology.
​​ScottScott Mansfield

Scott Mansfield is a Standard Researcher at Ericsson focusing on wireline network standardization. Scott is Vice-Chairman of Study Group 13, Chairman of the Joint Coordination Activity on IMT-2020 (JCA-ITM2020), Associate Rapporteur of Question 14 in Study Group 15, and is the editor of the protocol neutral network management modeling recommendations for Ethernet, MPLS-TP, and OTN.

Scott is active in IETF serving as the IETF- ITU-T liaison coordinator. Scott is the co-chair of the Internet Society Advisory Council, providing leadership to bridge the gap between technology and public policy related groups.

Scott serves on the Board of the Directors for the MEF and is the founding member representative of the MEF’s industry-wide coordination and collaboration activity called UNITE.
PersonPic​​Antonio Manzalini

Antonio Manzalini (PhD) received his M.Sc. degree in electronic engineering from the Politecnico of Turin (Italy) and his Ph.D on Computer Networks from Télécom SudParis and Université Pierre & Marie Curie – Sorbonne Universités (France). In 1990 he joined Telecom Italia Lab. He started with RT&D activities on technologies for transport networks. He was active in the ITU standardization as Rapporteur
(1996-2000) of two ITU-T Questions in charge of developing Standards on transport networks. He has been actively involved in several EURESCOM and European Project. He served as Project Manager (2000-2004) the FP5 IST Project LION and the FP6 IST Project NOBEL, both focusing on innovative transport and networking technologies.

In 2003 he was appointed as member of the Scientific Committee of CTTC (Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya). On 2006 he has been appointed Project Leader of the FP6 FET ICT Project CASCADAS. In 2008 he has been awarded with the International Certification of Project Manager by PMI. He was General Chair of the European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC2013). He ran as Project Leader in 2013 and 2015 two EIT-Digital projects on SDN and NFV. He has been awarded with six patents on networking and services systems and methods. He was author of a book on synchronization and his results have been published in more than 130 of papers and publications. He is Senior Manager at the Strategy & Innovation Dept. (Future Centre) of Telecom Italia Mobile. His interests are in the areas of management/control/orchestration of SDN and NFV, for 5G future service scenarios. Since 2013, he is co-Chair of the IEEE initiative on SDN and co-Chair of the IEEE SDN-NFV Com. Soc.Subcommittee.
​​​NavidNikaeinNavid Nikaein

Navid Nikaein is Assistant Professor in Communication System Department at Eurecom. He  received his Ph.D. degree in communication systems from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology EPFL in 2003. He is leading a research group focusing on experimental system research related to wireless systems and networking. Broadly, his research contributions are in the areas of wireless access layer techniques, networking protocols and architectures, flexible RAN/CN following SDN, NFV, MEC design principles, and wireless network prototyping and emulation/simulation platforms.

He is also very active in collaborative research projects related to 5G and beyond in the context of European FP6, FP7, H2020 framework programmes. He is also leading the development of the radio access layer of OpenAirInterface and its evolution towards 5G as well as initiating a new ecosystem of opensource project related to 5G service platforms under the umbrella of Mosaic-5G.
UlisesOlveraUlises Olvera-Hernandez

Ulises is responsible for the development of 5G 3GPP Core Network technology and 3GPP System Architecture Evolution Standards at InterDigital. Ulises joined InterDigital Canada in 2004 and at a later stage he moved to the United Kingdom to join InterDigital Europe. Prior to joining InterDigital, Ulises spent 15 year at Ericsson in Mexico, Canada, Sweden and Ireland developing Cellular Systems and supporting Ericsson products in International markets.

Ulises holds a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering from National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) and he has extensive experience in the Research and Development of Cellular Systems with direct involvement in the development of the 3GPP 5G Next Generation Network, 3GPP LTE, 3GPP GSM/WCDMA, CDMA2000 and IS-136(TDMA) standards.
Ulises possesses more than 27 year of experience in the Cellular Communications industry, holding responsibilities ranging from System Research, System Requirements definition, System Design, System Testing and Product Management.
ManuelPaulManuel Paul

Manuel Paul is a senior expert in international standardization for Deutsche Telekom (DT).

He coordinates Software-Defined Networking (SDN) standards & community activities and is also deeply engaged in strategy, innovation and engineering projects, focusing on 5G Fixed-Mobile-Convergence (FMC) and SDN.

He serves as a Board member of the Broadband Forum (BBF), co-leads the BBF 5G-Convergence project stream, and is also active in other standards bodies including ONF and IETF.
LucaPesandoLuca Pesando

Luca has a PhD in Particle Physics from the University of Torino and twenty-five years of experience in Information and Communication Technologies with Telecom Italia. He is coordinator of the activities in standardisation for wireline technologies since 2006, managing the participation in the relevant standards bodies in collaboration with the coordinators of the other standardisation areas in the company.

He is co-Chairman of Working Party 1 (IMT2020 or 5G) of SG13 in ITU-T for the study period 2017-2020 and has been previously one of the vice-chairmen of the FG IMT2020 for the pre-standard activities.
In ETSI he is Chairman of the M493 WG in TC NTECH and has been previously Chair of the ETSI Project E2NA and the M493.In the past years he has been Vice-President of the Open IPTV Forum. Previously he worked in the optical communications and networking R&D fields, with management roles in internal and external collaboration and consultancy projects. He is inventor for several patents in TIM portfolio.
​​IconpicFulvio Risso

Fulvio Risso (PhD) (Italy, 1971) is currently Associate Professor at Politecnico di Torino, Italy, where he is in charge of the Network and Multimedia Lab and responsible for the international students at the Computer Engineering Department. He graduated in Computer Engineering and received his Ph.D. degree from the same University respectively in 1995 and 2000.

He collaborated with Cisco Systems for many years as Visiting Faculty. His main areas of research interest are high-speed and flexible
in-network processing, SDN, and NFV. He is author of 100+ scientific papers and is very active in open-source software. Among the most successful projects, we can cite the WinPcap packet capture library, the NetBee packet processing library, and the recent FROG service orchestration project.

VictoriaSukenikMaria Victoria Sukenik

Maria Victoria Sukenik is the Chairman of ITU-T Study Group 5 “Environment, Climate change and Circular economy”. She has obtained a degree in International Relations at the University of Salvador, Buenos Aires, Argentina. She has also completed a Master Degree in International Economic Relations, at the University of Buenos Aires; and a Postgraduate degree in Governance and Institutional Development at the University of Alcalá de Henares, Spain.Maria Victoria Sukenik has worked in the private sector, in wholesale banking, and since 2004 she joined the Public Administration of the Argentine Republic.

Initiating her work, first in the Ministry of Economy to join in 2006 as advisor in international affairs in telecommunications, ICT, satellite and postal services, in the former Secretary of Communications, current Ministry of Communications, Secretary of Information and Communication Technologies (SeTIC). She has representing the country in international and regional meetings (ITU, CITEL, UNASUR, MERCOSUR, among others). During WTSA-16 she has been appointed as ITU-T Study Group 5 Chairman, for the study period of 2017-2020. She is currently developing her activity in the State Secretariat for the Information Society and the Digital Agenda of Spain, within the framework of the Regulatory Experience Program of that country.

RemusTanRemus Tan

Remus Tan is a Senior Advisor on Mobility Networks and Architecture in Ciena. He is a member of the CTO organization and is based in Singapore. One of his responsibilities include helping Ciena develop their strategy on 5G and mobility products portfolio.
Apart from Study Group 13, Remus is also representing Ciena in IEEE 1914 Next Generation Fronthaul Interface Working Group and NGMN (Next Generation Mobile Networks).

Remus has more than 18 years of experience in the telecommunication industry and has worked on both L0/L1/L2/MPLS transport technologies as well as 3GPP mobile packet core technologies including deep involvement in the architectural design of production EPC networks on 3GPP Policy Control, QoS Management and Diameter Signaling. Prior to Ciena, Remus works for Oracle and is involved deeply on NFV technologies for various signaling products within Oracle's Communications Business Unit.
Yachen Wang

Mr. Yachen Wang is the Deputy Director of Network Technology Dept in China Mobile Research Institute, President of ONAP Open Source in Linux Foundation, and Vice-Chairman of ITU-T SG13 IMT-2020/5G Working Party. Currently he is mainly leading in the research and development of Network evolution, NFV/SDN, 5G network architecture design, Novonet2020 in China Mobile.

Mr. Yachen Wang has much experience in international standardization activities and collaborations, and has 15 years working experience in telecommunication network technology areas. He was also leading in several important projects in China Mobile, such as China Mobile Network evolution strategy and roadmap, VoLTE, CDN, Web and IMS convergence, IMS Virtualization, FMC and also enterprise converged communication etc.

Mr.Yachen Wang achieved his master degree in computer science at the University of York in UK, with more than 5 year software development experience. He also got his bache​​lor degree in electronic & information engineering at Nanjing University in China.
JoeWilkeJoe ​​​​​Wilke

Joe is manager of the Technology department in the Business Unit IT and Cloud. He has held various positions within Ericsson leading technology transformation programs. Joe has a high focus on Innovation and business model alterations.

His current focus areas are 5G, Network Function virtualization and Software defined Infrastructure. He is located in Kista, Sweden and has held positions in Aachen and San Jose, too. He is more than 20 years in Ericsson and holds degrees in electrical engineering and economics.  ​​